Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

2015 Diaries Now Available Online

The 2015 Ladies and Seniors diaries are now available in digital form. You can download these to your phone or tablet or just view them here on the website.  Click on the What’s Hot links or navigate via the menu bar.  There is also an easy to view list of the events for ALL sections under “Upcoming Events” on the left hand sidebar.

Note that the online/downloadable version includes the following corrections to the Club’s paper copy:
  • O’Sullivan Cup – March 19th
  • Ann Warner Trophy& Maureen Eastwood Salver – April 30th
  • Ping Pairs Betterball – May 28th
It also includes the Scratch Team matches and details of the Tuesday Club competitions.

Have fun going paper free! If you have any problems I’m happy to help.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!