Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 4 December 2022

We are in December – can you believe it??? Are you counting down the days yet?

The weather yet again caused havoc with the Daily Mail Foursomes. We were called off the course because of fog. As detailed in the rules of competition if the competition is not played we can put forward a pair to go in to the next round. Ladies who played last Thursday have been asked if they would like to go through and we will pull the names out of a hat on Thursday.

Christmas Cards – still a few available. Pack of 3 minimum donation £3

Knitted headbands – still a few available in various colours. Minimum donation £3

If you haven’t yet picked up your sleeveless t shirt please do so and pay £21 at reception

Thursday 8 December EGM Please spend a few minutes after golf to help us through this meeting. We need 10 members of the ladies section not counting the committee members.. This will take place after golf – which will be 9 holes only

Privacy settings on ig. Please check you have done this.

Go to Chesfield Downs Website
Click on menu ( top right)
Click on My Golf
Click on Preferences
WHS Data Upload – complete
Scroll down to Contact Preferences. Tick all boxes which are relevant to you

15th December Christmas Party Spaces now closed. If you haven’t already done so please pay at Reception (NOT LADIES SECTION) and complete the sign up for food choices


Tuesday 6 December Double on Evens

Thursday 8th December Hattersley Cup. As the forecast is very cold ( minus figures) for Thursday this will be a 9 hole competition, followed by mince pies and mulled wine, followed by EGM. Please don’t withdraw unless in exceptional circumstances. Lin, Hazel and I spend a long time trying to get the teams even.

Sunday 11 December Mixed Weekend Winter League Round 6


Tuesday 29 November Irish Stableford. Reduced to 9 holes because of bad weather Winners Paula, Pauline, Caroline and Kathy C

Wrap up warm, get those thermals and hand warmers out of the cupboard.
