Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 20 November 2022

How many more times can rain interfere with play??? I think this week is looking good so far so please keep everything crossed for a fine day on Thursday for our Winter Invitation. We have 52 visitors joining us for the golf and the lunch, our great hospitality is now known far and wide. It’s shaping up to be a good day.

Bottles and chocolates still being accepted. Thank you for all the donations so far. Please let your guests know that there will be a tombola, £2 per ticket, and also a table of second hand golf clothing and equipment. Bring some cash although card payment will also be accepted

I said in the newsletter last week I would think long and hard before spending any of the money you donated to me. Well the wind and rain made a decision for me – it thoroughly ruined my umbrella so that will be the first purchase!!!!

For those of you who haven’t heard, there are going to be some refurbishments in the club in 2023, and the great news is that the ladies toilets will be part of these works. Also new electric buggies will be bought. Things are looking up.

Thank you to those ladies who attended the Club AGM and supported the section. Always good to see ladies there.

Thursday 15th December – Christmas Party. Christina is giving us a good discount on this – £30. 24 ladies have signed up already so it should be a good night.

There are 8 places left. Will return any unused places to the club by 30 November. Get in quick.

Thursday 1st December – last committee meeting of my Captaincy. If you have an item for the agenda please notify Olive in writing.

Recycling – there are already recycling boxes in the locker room courtesy of Jackie R (corks and used batteries) Amanda’s church collects used blister packs. She is going to put a box in the locker room for these too. Rosie is collecting used pens, felt tips, markers, crayons, highlighters, plus correction tape and bottles. Please help to save our environment and support this recycling rather than putting items in landfill. The boxes will be at the back of the locker room near the hand basin.

Wednesday 16th November

Report from Margaret G re Pearson Match v Old Fold Manor

We may have lost again today but we were happy with how we played. Everyone giving away several shots made the challenge difficult! At least it stayed dry for us and the ladies of Old Fold were lovely. Mxxx

We appreciate all your efforts ladies and we know you always do your very best. Thank you

Sunday 13th November Mixed Weekend Winter League, Round 2. Julie Pr smashed the field with her 43 Points. Fantastic Result Julie.

No Tuesday and Thursday results as rain stopped play!!!

Stay warm and dry everyone

Anyone started/finished their Christmas Shopping?????
