Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 26 February 2022

The weather continues to play havoc with our golf. Carry only for those who can. Top Tracer for those who can’t

Anyone know how to use the computer??

In better news the cherry blossom is out in my garden – spring is just around the corner

1st March Our own birdies return from hibernation. For new members if you gain a birdie in our ladies comps, or in a match you can earn a birdie badge for first one then you need to earn more for 2nd

Please put your name in the birdie book which will be in the locker room. Make sure your marker also signs it. There is a birdie tree behind the locker room door – please put your name on the appropriate leaf.

19 February Clare L was the only lady who braved the elements to play in the Mixed Weekend Winter league. Well done Clare

20 February Four Ball Betterball The winners with a fantastic score of 25 points Hazel and Maggi Second with an impressive 20 points Margaret F and Julie Pr

28 February Pearson Match v Great Hadden (away) Good Luck ladies

March 1st Pick your Poison 18 hole Comp. Trollies are back just in time but carry if you can

2 March Pearson Match v Welwyn Garden City (home) Good Luck ladies

3 March First Qualifier of the year. Balls will be available on the range for practice

10 March O’Sullivan Team Alliance Winners must have played in 3 qualifying comps in ladies section. Karen will notify you if you haven’t

12 March – alternate day for Price Vase. Singles qualifier. Playing 9/10th of handicap. Winners must have played in 3 qualifying comps in ladies section. Karen will notify you if you haven’t

17 March Price Vase. Singles qualifier. Playing 9/10th of handicap Winners must have played in 3 qualifying comps in ladies section. Karen will notify you if you haven’t.

24 March Maria Moore Millenium Bowl Pairs Betterball Playing off 95% handicap. Winners must have played in 3 qualifying comps in ladies section.Karen will notify you if you haven’t

31 March Rescheduled date for Megan Bonner Par 3 comp. Fun comp open to all. Soup afterwards plus etiquette presentation. Fingers crossed for better weather this time

Sunday 3 April Captains Drive In. All welcome – shotgun start at 8 am???? All welcome – courtesy of the course given to 5 day members

Tuesday 12 April Kay Baker memorial Bowl 9 hole comp. Presentation and refreshments afterwards and Kay’s brother will present the award

14 April Jubilee Jug with an Easter theme. Get those creative thinking caps on

Club jumpers I now have 11 for the order and will now get this to Barry to take forward

Chesfield Downs Golf and Country Club has been nominated for Club of the Year. Well done to all the staff. We know we belong to the best club but it is always good to be acknowledged

Top Tip Keep your temper under control and mind your language

NB There won’t be a newsletter next weekend as I am going away

However I am hoping to have news of a great fundraiser in the next newsletter- just waiting for a medical letter to say I am fit to go ahead. Luckily it’s physical and not mental – I would never pass that