MEMORY LANE Sometimes you wonder!!!!! Captions please. Will reveal the best next week
Results Tuesday 18th January Pairs Multiplier Winning Pair Hazel Brunnen and Margaret Fredjohn with an amazing 46 points
When messaging a playing partner could you please use ig messaging that way only your partner can see the messageThere is still time to put in a bid for John Dench’s car park space for March. All money raised to go to Ladies Captain’s Charity. Bids in to me by end of January please
Just giving page details at the end of this letter – apologies that I missed it out last week
Good news – Marica has found a room mate for weekend away!!! Thank you Sangeeta
Our next committee meeting is on Thursday 3 February. If there is anything you would like to raise please let Olive know by 27th January
Sign up list for Megan Bonner Par 3 competition will go up soon in locker room. This competition is twice around the Par 3 course

TOP TIP When picking up ball for winter rules make sure you mark the ball before lifting and replace after cleaning within 6″ of the marker and no nearer the hole