Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 16 January 2022

Not great weather again for golf this week but still the ladies showed their determination, others, like me, chose the coffee option

Tuesdays Results Double the Evens :1st Vicky Thompson 22 points 2nd Debbie Foley 22 Points. – on count back. Well Played ladies

Barry has asked again that if at all possible – please carry

John Dench car park space auction. Have had bids in – please get your bids in before 31 January if you would like a shorter walk to the club house during a wet and windy March.

Thank you to all those ladies who have donated their £10 Ladies subs 2022 to the charity. Much appreciated. Link at end of this letter.

£50 Deposit for weekend away at Belton Woods 26-28 June is now due. Please pay by 15 January.Please use reference AWAYWE22 Acc No81769642 sort code 40-28-14 or alternatively place a cheque in an envelope marked with your name and away weekend in the black box in the ladies locker room.

Marica is looking for a room mate for the away weekend as her partner has had to drop out

Thursday 24th February is the Megan Bonner Par 3 competition. This is held on the Par 3 course – twice around. Hopefully we will get a shotgun start. Afterwards soup and a roll in the clubhouse. If you are playing but not staying for refreshments please let me know. Quite a few portions of food/scones/soup etc were paid for and wasted last year. We pay for everyone signed up to play unless told otherwise.

Thursday 3 March will be first qualifier- EG/club medal

Porters Park Coffee morning is cancelled but if you bought a ticket you will be in the draw for a 4 ball at a Herts golf course

There will be 3 Divisions for medals, Stablefords, and other qualifiers . This will hopefully give all handicaps an equal chance of winning. We will start off the season with equal numbers but there may be movement as the season progresses

Tuesdays will have 2 Divisions

Memory Lane

Golf trip 2008. Golf obviously wasn’t so good so we tried our hands at bowling! Kay Baker, Hilary, Angela Chatterton, Chris Bryce, Jean Ray

Be aware – Club Card

  • Money added to your card at the bar goes to bar food
  • Money added at reception goes on to the range

Top Tip

When teeing off please let the shorter hitters tee off first to speed up the game. Please complete your card while someone else is teeing off. This does not apply in match play
Kathy Carroll
Ladies’ Captain