You will hopefully have realised that we can now sign up for Tuesdays and Thursdays 2 weeks ahead. It has now been decided that the competition will close 48 hours before the day and withdrawals after this will forfeit their entry fee. This will enable the organisers to better prepare for the prizes for the winners
Minutes from all ladies committee meetings and AGM will be posted both on line in the ladies section website https://www.chesfielddownsladies.co.uk and also on the notice board in the ladies locker room.
Some course information. Barry has asked that it would be very helpful if those people who can carry would do so as the green keepers are struggling to maintain the course
There is an issue with access to the 10th green. Jon-Jo is aware of this and is working out a new layout. Avoid walking through the ditch as it is perilously slippery
Also please do not clean your trolley wheels on the fairway as this merely exacerbates the muddy conditions
John Dench – Club Captain for 2022- has offered his car parking space for auction for a month. Each section can bid for a month. May and June have already been taken. I suggest that as a Ladies Section we hold a silent auction for the month of March. It will be cold enough to appreciate a space near the club house. If you would like to make a bid then please e mail me by 31 January. The money will go to Ladies Captain’s Charity – this is the same as last year
£50 Deposit for weekend away at Belton Woods 26-28 June is now due. Please pay by 15 January.Please use reference AWAYWE22 Acc No81769642 sort code 40-28-14 or alternatively place a cheque in an envelope marked with your name and away weekend in the black box in the ladies locker room.
Thursday 24th February is the Megan Bonner Par 3 competition. This is held on the Par 3 course – twice around. Hopefully we will get a shotgun start. Afterwards soup and a roll in the clubhouse. If you are playing but not staying for refreshments please let me know. Quite a few portions of food/scones/soup etc were paid for and wasted last year. We pay for everyone signed up to play unless told otherwise.
Thursday 3 March will be first qualifier- EG/club medal
Top Tip
Please leave trolleys so that you are walking towards the next tee box and not walking back towards players behind you
Memory Lane
Who remembers this trip to Spain?

Apologies if this newsletter is rather bland and lacking in photos, logos etc but I am not a fast learner when it comes to computers!
Good luck to all those doing Dry January – I find the most difficult time is just before dinner, then I remember that my charity will benefit!!
Just giving page is www.justgiving.com/fundraising/KathyCarroll?
Kathy Carroll