Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 21 February 2021

So, I think I know where everyone will be tomorrow! Monday 22nd!! Lets hope Boris has some good news for us all. Until then I have a few snippets of information for you.


I am sure many of you know we have a new CEO of the Club Company, Richard Calvert. Richard joined The Club Company, as chief executive, in early December. He has over 30 years’ experience in the travel and leisure sector. I am sure you would like to join me in welcoming Richard to the Club Company. We look forward to meeting him in the not too distant future.

Exciting Times

During Lockdown the driving range has been experiencing a busy time. Work is currently being undertaken to install ‘TopTracer’ in 16 of our driving range bays. TopTracer tracks the flight path of your golf shot and displays it on one of the 21-inch touch screen monitors to be installed in each bay. It will be possible to watch your game the same way you watch your favourite pro golfers on TV, plus many more activities. There will also be a bar area supporting the driving range serving some hot food, snacks, beer and soft drinks. Launch Week will be dependent on government restrictions. Please note: You will still be able to go and practice with a bucket of balls in the usual manner.

Locker Room

Kathy C and myself went on a day trip to the ladies locker room last week. We found many interesting items, here are a few. Perhaps you recognise some of them?

Or did you loose your glasses? 16 pairs!!!!

If so, please rescue them when we return to golf, Many thanks!

Golf Rules Practice

I would like to say a big thank you to Julie R who has continued to supply us with golf rules on a daily basis, well done Julie keep it up! For those of you who are not on the WhatApp group and those who would like a further ‘brush up’ go to the link below which I think you will find very useful.

Coffee Zoom

Another very enjoyable virtual coffee morning held on Thursday morning. Good to hear and see some ladies with lots of laughing. If you want to join in (usually held on Thursday or Friday mornings) let me know, space for everyone.

Have a good week.

Kind regards
Pauline Humphrey
Lady Captain 2021

Any donations for our charity this year can be made directly to:

Many thanks!