Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 17 January 2021

Good evening ladies,

Well done everyone! 2 weeks of lockdown over! A step nearer to golf? I hope so.

Again, not a lot of golfing news to report. When rain stops play at Wimbledon they show past clips of the championships, so, thought I would entertain you all with some past photographs of one of our great functions.

Can you tell what year was it? And what was the event?

Challenges: Anyone up for a challenge?

As we have already had one major function for this year’s charity cancelled (The Winter Invitation) I have been racking my brains of ways to raise some cash for our very worthy charity this year, ‘The Magic of Play’ and ‘The Lister Butterfly Service’. I would like to invite any of you ‘crafty’ ladies to my challenge! It is my intention to auction/sell these products in November ready for Christmas Greensomes! So you have 10 months to make one, ten or as many as you like.

Christmas Head Covers
Christmas Bobble Hats
Or even matching Club Covers and Hats???

For a free knitting pattern go to:

If you are not a knitter or a sewing machine extraordinaire please do not despair! Feel free to make up your own challenge and share with us.

If you have trouble downloading the knitting pattern please let me know and I will send you a copy.

On line Golf Tutorial

Find That Extra 10 Yards – 19th January 2021 at 19:00 – Paul will be sharing vital pieces of information to help you sneak a few more yards out of your existing swing and equipment.

Better Practice – 28th January 2021 at Midday – Jo will be looking at what it really means to be “consistent” for your own handicap range, giving some really useful information on how to improve your practice and learn how to score from 120 yards and in.

All tutorials take place on Zoom, to register;
Go to IG (not the app)
Home page scroll down to Live online golf tutorials
Click on ‘Register for session’

Keep a look-out on IG for more on line classes!

Thats all for this week!

Remember be careful out there!

Kind regards
Lady Captain 2021