Hello Ladies
We are on a count down to the WHS. We now have a provisional course and slope rating which comes into effect on Monday 2nd November 2020, you may already have seen it displayed at the club.
IG payment guide will be released shortly by the club management to guide you on how to top up your account before November 2nd to pay competition fee’s for Tuesday, Thursday and Weekend competitions.
Pearson winter matchplay
The Pearson squad have all their matches booked for this winter season. We still welcome any Ladies with match play experience with a handicap between 14-34 to sign up to the squad. The dates are up on the Ladies notice board outside the locker room if you are available for any of the dates please put your name up.
Scratch and Friendly matches 2021
These matches are all in the process of being booked and confirmed for the 2021 season.
Cups and Trophies
If you still have a Cup or Trophy that you won last year could you please return it to me ASAP.
7 Day Members Winter Golf
The Mixed Winter League starts on November 7th and runs right through the winter season. Ladies book via the Men’s competitions sign up in the usual way, use your WhatsApp group to contact other Ladies to play with or just sign up for mixed golf. Fees will be taken through your IG account as normal.
Captaincy 2021
I have thought long and hard about this and even had some sleepless nights but I have made a decision not to continue as Captain for 2021. Pauline is more than happy to take the reins on January 1st 2021 with my blessing and support, she will be a great Captain. It has not been the year we all expected with none of our usual major charity events or fun events but it is the same the world over. I will of course hope to hold my AGM and prize presentation when it is safe to do so in 2021. Thank you all for your support in this very difficult year.
Continue to stay safe, play safe and happy golfing.
Ladies Captain