Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 9 June 2019

The Away Weekend 2019 at Stoke by Nayland was to begin with, at least, a sedate gathering on the balcony overlooking the 18th hole of the Constable Course. In true Ladies fashion, the time spent away was full of fun, laughter, games, fines (yes fines!!) with a bit of golf thrown in for good measure! We were not too riotous, were we???

The courses were a bit tricky to say the least and several of us became aware very quickly, that perhaps those old balls that we didn’t pack, would have come in useful over the large expanses of water at the very least! These events take such a lot of organising and a huge thank you goes to Nicky B and Nicola A for all their hard work in trying hard to keep us in order!!!! You did a great job, not sure about keeping us in order though!! Also a big thank you goes to Clare B and Annabel S for making the evenings go with such fun and laughter. We obviously haven’t put Nikki and Nicola off, as they have kindly volunteered to organise next year’s event for us too!! Thank you!

It seems quite a long time ago that I wrote to you last, so I should pick up on what has gone on in the interim. Thursday 30th saw the Coronation Foursomes fought for and I am really pleased to say Lin G and Virginia C came out on top with 37 pts, beating Marica K and yours truly by just one point. Well done ladies, they now go through to the regional rounds. Some keen souls even had energy for more golf last Thursday in the June Medal. Division 1 was won by Pat W on nett 73 from Anne L on nett 77. However, in Division 2 and taking the honours for the day were Jan K who came in with an amazing nett 67 and a well deserved handicap cut, closely followed by Jacky S with a nett 69 and another handicap cut and not to be outdone on the handicap stage, Karen M with her nett 71! Well done ladies, some great golf by you all! On Friday the Scratch Team were out yet again, to compete this time against East Herts, at home. I know you will all be thrilled to hear that, yet again, they have come away victors, winning 4:1!!! They are having a great season to date and we all send the team our positive vibes that this continues!!

This coming week is a busy one! Firstly, Monday evening will see the new owners ‘The Club Company’ hosting a cheese and wine evening between 7pm and 9pm for all members and I hope many of you will be able to attend. The Tuesday game still has some spaces if you fancy a bit of fun with friends. Finally, on Thursday we will be seeing old friends and saying hello to new ones, when we meet for the Ladies Charity Day. Mary and Jean will be hosting the Halfway House and whilst there is lot of food promised, its never too late to bring something along with you on the day! Don’t forget your £1 over the Pond donation to the Charity ready in your on-course purse and we will be trying very hard to separate you from your cash before you go out for your round. There are 5 x 4-ball vouchers to bid for, some beautiful hampers thanks to Amanda, some fine, and not so fine, wine bottles to be won for a mere £1 ticket. Star prizes include beauty treatments, food vouchers, coaching from our team at CD and much, much more. Any golfing items that you have bought but have not worn or simply worn once are being sold for charity, so please dig deep into those cupboards to see if there is anything there that can raise money. A few people are still to pay for Thursday, so please let Pat W have this as soon as possible Thank you.

On a lighter ‘and more musical’ note……some of you will be aware that we have two vocalists within our group. Pat W and Linda B sing with a local choir, who perform a wide range of musical pieces. There is a notice in the locker room promoting their next performance, so please do go along if you can! Pat and Linda will provide you with more information, I’m sure.

I am escaping to the sunshine of Crete next weekend, so there will be no newsletter until the last week of June. Any issues while I am away will, of course, be ably handled by Rogie and the rest of the Committee.

Off to do some early packing, 🏖🏖🌞

Ladies Captain 2019