Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 6 Jan 2019

Well I guess by now, like our home, your tree has been confined to the bin and the decorations are safely stalled away for another year. Somehow the house looks comfortably empty and I seem to enjoy the sense of normality this brings!

The season has got off to a fine start for the Ladies Section. Hazel Brunnen was the first lady home at the Hangover Cup, coming in with a very fine score of 35 pts (with a hole-in-one on the 3rd!) and a very creditable 7th place. Very well done Hazel, a great start to your year!! Thursday’s 1st round of the Winter Eclectic saw some good scores, but as we are all aware, there are those ‘tortoises’ who slowly chip away at their scores and will be there in the winning stalls at the very end. Others, and we can guess who they are, will come through in a flurry with one amazing round and sweep the winnings. There is all to play for ladies and hopefully 6 more rounds of decent weather to get you up there with the winners!

The Ken Bird Winter League Rnd 6 was played on Sunday and 9 of our ladies competed in various four-ball combinations. The weather whilst cold stayed dry so I hope they enjoyed their round and we look forward to seeing the final results.

The electronic diary has now been signed off and is available to download from our website. There have been a few adjustments since the paper copy went off to print which largely affect the weekend ladies, so please use the electronic diary as your bible or ask. If you are unclear how to download it please also ask.

The order for the white polo tee shirts is now with Glenmuir. If you have missed the January 1st deadline don’t worry I have put another order form up on the notice board and this will stay there until the end of January for any late orders.

Raffle tickets will be available on Tuesday/Thursday/Next Weekend for the Hertfordshire Golf Union Annual Coffee Morning which will take place at Porters Park on Monday 28th January at 10.30 am. There will be a small group of us going and we will share lifts if you would like to join us, please contact me. Raffle Tickets are £2 each and prizes will include a 4-ball round of golf from a participating club. Your ticket(s) will go into the draw whether you attend or not so please ‘Stop and Buy’ either myself or Katy C. The money raised from the Coffee Morning goes to support the development of Juniors in the county. Thank you in advance.

Can I finally remind you that the £10 Ladies Section subscription is now due in the usual way please. Thank you.

Wrap up warm over the next few days and weeks, stay warm.

Ladies Captain 2019