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Happy New Year one and all!!! |
Here’s hoping for a happy and healthy 2019 for us all!
I hope you all enjoyed a very special Christmas time with loved ones and friends, creating some great memories. As January begins lets now try to work off that extra turkey sandwich and mince pie with some fresh air and hopefully some decent winter golf conditions!! We can only hope!!!
The club diary, I am pleased to say, is now available for collection from the Pro Shop and we will be getting the electronic version out to you within the next week. Thank you to Virginia for her hard work on this. Our major events for 2019 are on a separate list on the noticeboard for your convenience.
The 12 Hole Winter Eclectic begins on Thursday this week, and fingers crossed we will be able to get all 7 rounds played. Please sign up, in the usual way on the system. This opens 3 weeks in advance of each round. As you all know, this is a popular competition so make sure you sign up early. It is a good idea, too, to check the system a few days before the competition in case anyone has pulled out or if you need to contact your playing partners for any reason. Don’t forget you need to putt out on all twelve holes for your first round!
The Mixed Winter League at the weekends is also on the system – weekend Ladies you know the drill. There will be news as the weeks go by, of the opportunity for the ladies who play at weekends or indeed wish to, to enter some of the main prize winning competitions of the Ladies Section, this is due to the introduction of ‘Alternate Days’. (See England Golf for details). This system will be introduced during 2019 with the hope that it will develop further during future years. More news to follow!
The Coffee Morning at Porters Park GC will be held on Monday January 28th. Raffle tickets will be on sale from Thursday 3rd January and if you would like to come along with some of us, then we can arrange sharing lifts.
Finally, as the saying goes ‘we can’t ignore the elephant in the room!’ and by that I am talking about the New Rule Changes. Please ensure you are aware of the major changes taking place. Equip yourself with as much knowledge of the key issues as you can. Hopefully we will see many of you at the Rules Meeting at the Club on Wednesday 16th January, (See the noticeboard for details).
I feel very honoured to be your Captain for 2019 and am certain we will see some great golf scores during the year ahead.
Very best wishes
Margaret Gentle
Ladies Captain 2019