Congratulations to all our winners in the Winter Eclectic! The full results are now on the notice board for those of you itching to find out where you finished!
Happy Birthday Angela and thanks for the lovely cakes. Enjoy the Cruise🚢 !
The course was closed due to heavy rain. Thanks to the guys at the club who allowed us to have a play on the Skytrak where we played a NTP competition. The weather was lovely on the hole we played and well done to Mandy who got closest!
This year we managed to play 18 holes in the Megan Bonner Par 3 competition although it was very cold. The winners will be announced at the Spring Meeting.
And in other news…
Jo Wilson has been keeping it a secret but for the 2nd year running she has won the Stella Frogley Memorial Final. Checkout the link and brilliant result Jo!
Don’t forget to sign up for the Australian Spoons on Tuesday March 13th. It is now on HDID as is the sign up for the O’Sullivan Cup.
The Pearson season gets back under way this week. Good luck to all the team in their away fixture at the tricky Sandy Lodge ( clue is in the name!)
Many congratulations too go to Virginia (and the rest of us as we are the content!) as the Ladies Website has attained a top 30 position in a national competition. Although we weren’t aware that we had entered, keep your eye on the website for the details! I think we all know what a great site it is and so well put together and updated by Virginia.
Finally, and hot off the press we played the 2017 edition of the Ladies v Men match on Saturday. The girls all played fantastic golf and all the matches were close, but the Men came out 3.5 to 1.5 winners. Jackie and Craig both played(last years Captains) and made the speeches and presentation afterwards.
I am off to get some warm weather training in so have a good week and good luck in the Price Vase on Thursday! 😎
Sarah Faircliff
Ladies Captain 2018