Happy New Year one and all! Here’s to a happy, healthy and successful 2018!
I hope you all enjoyed Christmas with family and friends and didn’t over indulge too much. It is now time to get some fresh air and look forward to some winter golf.
In spite of our best efforts it looks as though the Club diary will not be available until the middle of January so the following info should get us all started. If we can get an electronic version any earlier then I will let you know.
The 12 Hole Winter Eclectic begins on Thursday this week, and in spite of several bouts already of seasonal weather, we will endeavour to play 7 rounds in this competition. Sign up is on the system and opens 3 weeks in advance of each round. It is a popular competition so make sure you sign up early. It is a good idea too to check the system a few days before the competition in case anyone has pulled out or if you need to contact your playing partners for any reason.
The Mixed Winter League at the weekends is also on the system – weekend Ladies you know the drill.
I have put up a list of our major events for 2018 on the noticeboard in the changing room. Please add them to your diary and we will fill in the gaps when the whole diary is available.
The Coffee Morning at Porters Park GC will be held on Monday January 29th. Please purchase your raffle tickets from Margaret if you haven’t done so already and if you would like to come then we can arrange lifts.
I am really looking forward to being your Captain for 2018. I am certain that we will have some great rounds of golf and some good fun in the coming year.
Happy New Year and happy golfing in 2018
Sarah Faircliff – Ladies Captain 2018