Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 13 Mar 2017

Captains Drive In – Saturday 8th April
Sign up sheet is now up on the board in the bar area. Come along and support all the Captains. 18 holes of golf, pie & mash plus lots of great prizes to be won. Courtesy of the course for 5 day members so all are welcome. If anyone is able to help man the registration desk before the shotgun start, or volunteer a partner? Please let me know.

Sign up sheet for the Maria Moore Millennium Bowl (30th March) is on the board – Australian rules pairs, multiply your stableford score on each hole – no sorries.

Still time to sign up for Summer knockouts. Please pay your £2 per event before the draw on 23rd March. This will take place after golf in the conservatory by our Golf Development Professional, Jo Oliver.

Any change in phone number and/or email address please inform Marica as she is compiling an new list

Still some £5 subscriptions to the section outstanding, please pay before the Treasurer starts chasing you!

And now the best part……….

Only 20 hardy pairs ventured out on Sunday in the pouring rain, although the sun did appear at times. Alas no ladies amongst them.

Champagne Scramble, who wouldn’t scramble for champagne? A lovely Spring morning saw seven teams playing a scramble. Notching up 94 points and coming second were Hazel Brunnen, Pat Ward, Jenny Feaver and Helen Leigh. But with an amazing 99 points the victorious team comprised of Kathy Carroll, Susanna Chan, Julie Retallick and Lesley Bonser.

A glorious day for the first medal of the season. No excuses. Winner of division 1 and getting her handicap cut to 19, Margaret Gentle (nett 73). Winning division 2, Nicola Adkins (nett 77). Winner of 9 hole stableford was Pam Blake. Well played ladies.

Happy golfing
Jackie Reid, Ladies Captain