Save The Date – Wednesday 28th June
Afternoon cream tea on board whilst cruising down the river. Details nearer the date.
Good luck to Pat Ward and Angela Hamilton who will be representing Chesfield Downs in the Daily Mail Foursomes on Monday at Mount Pleasant. Go girls
18 hole golf commences on Tuesday with A gift A Wish A Joker.
Thursday we take on the Par 3 course, will it defeat us??
Sign up sheets for Ann Grist Trophy and Mary Warmoth Cup will be on the board this week. Closing date 21st March with the draw taking place on Thursday 23rd March after the March stableford qualifier.
No golf as the course was closed. But how fantastic the conditions of the greens this week. Thanks to Andy and his team.
5 clubs and a putter – is that all you need? Appears so as Sue Oliva and Barbara Baldwin both came home with 18 points. Sue winning on countback. Well done.
Perhaps the closest finish for a long time. How fortunate we were to play all 7 rounds, this enabling some cracking scores. Result will be announced at the presentation on Thursday 23rd after Megan Bonner Par 3 Competition.
In a change to the advertised, we will be having soup & baguette followed by cake. Drinks to be purchased separately.
Happy Golfing
Jackie Reid, Ladies Captain