Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 30 Jan 2017

Ladies Committee
I am delighted to report that Kathy Carroll is joining the committee as our Events Organiser. A great addition. Many ladies have volunteered to help. If you have not and would like to please see Kathy.

Also joining our committee as Competition Secretary is Lin Goodey. She replaces Rogie Taylor who is now Handicap Secretary. Any queries regarding Thursday or weekend competitions e.g. tee times, bookings, signing in should be directed to Lin.

Hazel Brunnen and Katy Cook will continue to expertly run our Tuesday competitions.

Please ensure you make a note of who you are playing with and at what time in case you do have to cancel. An up to date phone list is available in the locker room.

A full list of committee members can be found here on our website where you can also read the minutes from past committee meetings.

The Megan Bonner Par 3 Championship

This will take place on Thursday 23rd February. It will be a shotgun start at 9.30am. Sign up sheet will go up this week. It will be followed by the presentation to the Winter Eclectic winners and runners up in the conservatory. Tea & scones will be served.

The National Golf Club Challenge
Jean Ray has kindly made up a photo frame commemorating Chesfield Downs Ladies past three trips to Turnberry. It will be proudly displayed in the locker room. Thank you Jean.

Scratch & Handicap Knockouts
Half of the first round knockout matches are still to be played -please play by 28th February.

Winter Eclectic
We have been so lucky to have completed four rounds in our 12 hole Winter Eclectic competition. The first three weeks were positively balmy but last week was rather more challenging. Thermometer read -2 but with the wind chill factor it felt like a lot lot colder. Well done to all those who braved it, whether for 3 holes or the full 12.

It was certainly worth turning out for Sarah Faircliff (51) who made up 5 shots on Div 1 leader Kathy Dale (50). Lesley Bonser (55) shaved off 3 shots to lead Div 2 ahead of Helen Leigh (56).

Eclectic results are available to view on the newly updated How Did I Do website. Anyone wanting help accessing it or navigating around the new site please see Sarah or myself. Handicap certificates can now be printed direct from HDID (this shows your CDH too).

Tuesday Golf
Fun competitions have been very well supported. Sign up early to guarantee a game.

  • 10th January – Individual Stableford winner was Kathy Dale with 19 well earned points Katy Cook a close second with 18 points.
  • 17th January- Double on the Odds winner with 31 points was Mandy Unger, Lesley Bonser one point behind in second place.
  • Last weeks Multiplier Stableford Pairs was won by Kathy Dale & Katy Cook with a fabulous 36 points (12 of those on one hole) Christine Skeen and Di Chapman were runners up with 29 points.

Keep those plants alive ladies.

Weekend Golf
The Ken Bird Weekend Winter League, which is administered by the Mens Section is in full swing.

  • 7th January, Round 6 – Double Greensome – Six ladies competed, Virginia Chan and her partner finishing the highest with 42 points.
  • 15th January, Round 7 – Team Alliance –  Linda Brown was in the team finishing 3rd with 81 points.
  • 21st January, Round 8 – Individual Stableford – Lesley Bonser was the top lady with 30 points.

Well done to all ladies who took part. After round 8 Pat Ward is the leading lady with 19 points followed by Lesley Bonser on 15 points.

And finally…
The reason the pro tells you to keep your head down… is so you can’t see her laughing.

Jackie Reid, Ladies’ Captain