Ladies’ Captain’s Charity Day 16th June
There are still spaces. If you would like to play please add your name to the tee sheet. Tee times will be allocated this week – please check the Ladies notice board.
If you would like to come just for lunch, please add your name to that notice or let Di Chapman know.
If you would like to help in any way, please add your name to the List of Volunteers. All help very gratefully received.
Items for Halfway House. To make sure we have the usual wonderful selection of goodies, please add your name to the list on the notice board for your contribution. Thank you.
4-ball Vouchers for Auction – Place your bids on Charity Day or before via email or text 07771 531121 – include your name, which voucher you are bidding on and the amount. Bidding closes 12 noon 16th June.
- Welwyn Garden City Golf Club
- Mill Green Golf Club
- Mid Herts Golf Club
- Bishops Stortford Golf Club
Friendlies Team v Mill Green (Home)
“Was it really almost summer and June 1st?? It felt more like March 1st to the 16 brave souls from Chesfield Ladies and Mill Green, who battled it out on the greens last Wednesday. Was ‘ battled’ the right word? The cold wind and rain drove furiously at them and whilst a win against Mill Green would have been great, it just wasn’t to be! A halt was called to this friendly after 9 holes and the soaked and bedraggled ladies came inside to hair dryers and a warm drink. After 9 holes Mill Green were ahead 3:1, and this time we had to concede defeat. Next time, we promised ourselves, would be different???” – Margaret Gentle, Friendlies Team Captain
7-Day – 5 clubs and a putter was played on a very cold morning. The choice of clubs is crucial, but there are always a few occasions when you realise the club you need for the next shot is not one you have in your bag. 1st Kathy Dale 32pt, 2nd Lin Goodey 31pt, 3rd Lauren Pitcher 30pt
Thursday – An extremely windy and cold day made for tough conditions to play our midweek Medal competition.