Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Final Newsletter for 2016

Our guests of honour from the Garden House Hospice accepted our cheque for the money that all the Ladies Section had raised in 2016 – a magnificent £7100. They were delighted and truly thankful. Well done everyone.

Xmas Greensomes saw so many festive outfits. A huge effort was made by so many that it was hard to choose the winning outfit. Congratulations to Angela and Hilary – not sure how they managed to play golf in their fat Xmas Pudding ensemble! More photos can be seen on our website.

We said Happy Birthday to Pam Wilson and she bought us all lovely mince pies and cream to celebrate

Marica challenged us all with her quiz – congratulations to Julia Goodwin and Liz Cooke who won on the tiebreaker question

Winners of the Xmas Greensome competition were: 1st Sally Weekes and Liz Cooke with 22 points, 2nd with 20 points were Lin Goodey and Helen Leigh.

After all the festivities of the day, several of us also attended the evening Christmas Party. Lovely meal and lots of dancing, fun and laughter.

Golf Competitions – two weeks of results
Pearson team at home against South Herts on Wed 30th November. Another excellent 4-3 win for Chesfield Downs. A brilliant result for our Pearson team

7-day – “Turkey Trot” Virginia Chan won best score of the ladies with 32 points.

29th Nov – We played Mulligans on a very frosty morning. Countback all on 17 points 1st Pauline Humphrey, 2nd Lesley Bonser, 3rd Katy Cook.

6th Dec – Too much fog to start on time so coffee was calling. Some intrepid golfers played 9-holes once the fog had lifted. The winners were both on 18 points, so on countback 1st Katy Cook and   2nd Hazel Brunnen.

Thursday – Double points from Yellows 1st Mary Harrison 28 points and 2nd Liz Cooke 26 points

Our first competition of 2017 will be the 12-hole Eclectic. You can sign up on HDiDo next week.

I am now almost at the end of my year as your Ladies Captain and this is my final newsletter to you all. I hope you have enjoyed reading all the news, competition results and seeing the photographs. It certainly shows what a busy year we have as a golf club.

I wish Jackie Reid and all her committee an excellent and enjoyable year in 2017, whilst I am looking forward to 2017 as your Club Captain.

Best wishes for Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to you all.

Kathy Dale, 2016 Ladies Captain