Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Log - 12 Jan 2015

Happy New Year everyone and welcome to golf 2015.  I hope
that you all had a very enjoyable Christmas.

New diaries are now available from the pro shop.  There have
been some date changes made since the diary was printed.

  • As requested by several ladies the Ping Pairs Better Ball competition has been delayed until later in the year.  It will now be held on Thursday 28 May when the weather should be good,
    resulting hopefully in high scores!
  • The O’Sullivan Cup which
    is a team competition has been brought forward to Thursday 19 March.
  • The Ann Warner and the Maureen Eastwood Trophies which are qualifying competitions will be held on
    Thursday 30 April.

Hopefully these changes won’t cause problems.  In case there
are any further 
changes however, always check the noticeboards as well as
your diary.

I trust that this year will be another great year for golf
but just a couple of reminders to help everyone enjoy it.

  • Please
    ensure that you know the names of your playing partners and if you need to
    cancel then let them and the pro shop know.
  • Please
    also arrive in plenty of time to play your game.  In the winter months there is
    more chance that ladies will cancel due to bad weather and this can result in tee
    times being altered.

Congratulations to Julie and Lauren on the birth of their
grandsons.  I believe Lauren has already ordered his first set of clubs!  Adorable baby photos are available to view on demand.  We have several other expectant
this year so we will keep you informed!  We like to hear of happy events so
please share them with us.
