Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Log - 30 September 2015

Solheim Cup fever is officially over until 2017 but if you are having withdrawal symptoms click here to see the photos or watch the slideshow on our website.

18th September was a spectacular day as Chesfield (USA) took on Mill Green (Europe) at home. It was brilliantly organised and choreographed by Lauren and Kathy. Everyone got into the spirit of the occasion and dressed in team colours. Some ladies got carried away with enthusiasm and made their own outfits. The course was a riot of colour that even torrential rain couldn’t wash out, though caddies did have to squeegee the greens! We may not have won the cup as the USA but we definitely won the prize for style. For more info please read Amanda’s poem on the noticeboard.

The following Thursday was Autumn Meeting when we played for the Chris Leary Chalice, in fine weather. This was followed by an excellent lunch – who can forget the fruit crumble and custard. The trophy was won by Barbara Baldwin on countback from Chris Bryce and Jenny Feaver. Amazingly they all scored 34 points.

Jackie Reid scored 5 points when she had a HOLE IN ONE on the 3rd!! Many Congratulations to her. She also had a birdie but we won’t talk about that!

Saturday 26th September was Captains’ Day. We had perfect weather for a Texas Scramble which was enjoyed by everyone. The evening began with Welcome drinks followed by another fantastic meal. It ended by dancing to Ever Gold, an Abba tribute band. 158 people had a great time so it was worth all the stress!

Captains’ Day and Evening is a way of saying thank you to members for your support throughout the year and we are very grateful to you all. I would like to mention Joan, Alison and Di for volunteering to run the Half Way House and to everyone who provided the cakes and savouries.

On the subject of cakes, Friday 16th October is Charity Coffee Morning starting at 10.30am. This year the format is slightly different as we are holding the Chesfield Cake Off. All the cakes are being made by Chesfield men and you are invited to come along and vote for the best cake. There will be plenty to eat. The men, as always, are being very competitive and have very high expectations. Whether they will meet Paul Hollywood’s standards remains to be seen! I hope as many of as possible will come along and judge for yourselves. Paul Hollywood is sadly unavailable.

The notice for the Ladies’ Christmas Party, on 10th December, is on the board. Please sign up and join in the fun. The theme is the Sixties which most of us remember well. Dressing up is optional, having fun is obligatory!

Jean Ray