Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Log - Charity Day 2015

Thank you all for making Ladies’ Captain’s Charity Day so successful and enjoyable. I am very grateful for your support. So many people gave freely of their time and money, helping us raise over £3,500 for Carers in Hertfordshire and Tilehouse Counselling. Even the weather co-operated!

If only she spent as much time practising as she does posing!!

The Halfway House, organised by Mary & Richard Harrison had an amazing spread, the best I have seen. It was so good no one wanted to leave, as shown in the photo below. Golf became secondary! A special thank you to all the Ladies who provided the food. 

Pauline demonstrates how to get that last drop of alcohol!

There were so many prizes on the Golden Raffle I thought we would never finish. The Mazda for the weekend was won by Di Rogers, Brian Feaver won the champagne tea for two (lucky Jenny) and Amanda Macknight won a wash down and polish (for her car!).

I would like to thank my committee, the staff at Chesfield and all the other volunteers for their hard work. So many people sponsored holes, made cakes and brought donations for the various stalls and generously supported the day.

Once again, thank you all for making the day so successful.

Jean Ray