Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 1 November 2020

Good Evening Ladies

Well I do not know about you but I did not see that coming, a month long lockdown. Personally I have to agree with England Golf CEO that I can not understand the government’s rationale for closing golf courses at this time when they are actively encouraging safe, responsible outdoor exercise for households or two individuals. Let’s hope England Golf’s challenge of the government’s decision brings us some good news by the end of the week.

We will be going ahead with our practice round at Mill Green on Monday 2nd November weather permitting.

Tuesday 27th October
On a very wet and windy day only a few ladies actually completed 18 holes the rest of us only managed 9 holes so well done to you brave ladies who carried on to do 18. The winner of the front 9 which was stroke play was Helen with nett 37 The back 9 was won by Ann Kane with 18 Stableford points.

Pauline and I had planned a Winter Non Invitation day for Thursday 26th November with a team game, lots of prizes, silent Auction and tea & scones to raise some funds for Pauline’s Charities but like the AGM Fun Game and the Hattersley Cup all in November unfortunately these will not now go ahead.

Proposed Ladies Committee 2021
​​​​​​​Thank you to those of you that voted for the Proposed Ladies Committee 2021 we had 52 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstentions.

All of the Ladies Committee Minutes can be found on IG under information, committee meeting minutes.

Tip to avoid slow play
​​​​​​​Keep up with pace of play and if loosing ground on group in front let people behind go through.

Stay Safe, Play Safe
Ladies Captain