Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 11 April 2021

A cold but nice golfing week. We went from sunshine to snow in a day! It looks like the weather was kinder today for those playing in the ‘Price Vase alternative Day’. Good luck ladies. Well done to Jacqui H who came 4th in the ‘Mixed Roger Burman Warm up Trophy’ on Saturday, with an amazing 37 points. Well done Jacqui.

We had our first competition of the season on Thursday, battling through the wind and cold. Unfortunately, a problem with IG stopped us posting the results. As clubs come out of hibernation, there have been lots of requests/queries come through to the IG support team, therefore, the results will be available as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Tuesday 13th April sees our first Captains Shuffle. The Kay Baker Memorial Bowl. To find out your 9 hole COURSE handicap for this competition go to:

  1. IG App on your phone
  2. Select handicap record (flag on right)
  3. Calculator at top right hand side of screen
  4. Scroll down to Chesfield Downs front nine (red)
  5. Select COURSE Handicap

Those of you who wish to carry on to do 18 holes, please remember to WhatsApp your 9 hole score card to Hazel.

General Information

It is with sadness that I have to say Joan W is hanging up her golf shoes. We will miss you Joan, but hopefully once restrictions are lifted we will see you at the club for coffee and joining us for lunch at a few of our functions throughout the year.

Kathy C, Lin G and myself met with Craig Kearney – Golf Operations Manager on Thursday. Craig has recently joined the team at Chesfield Downs. Craig has a vast amount of experience and will be an asset to the club. We look forward to working with him.

The minutes from the ladies’ section committee meeting held on March 25th via Zoom are now available to read on the ladies website. To view the minutes go to the website below and click on the tab ‘About Us’ (minutes are also, available via IG).

IG Scoring-New Features

I have been asked to remind ladies of the difference between NR and NS.

No Return (NR)

  • Basically the same as pre WHS
  • Add this if you pick up when you have played too many shots to gain a stableford score or medal (5 over par)
  • You will then receive the equivalent of a double nett bogey on that hole

Not Started (NS)

  • NS is a new feature on IG
  • When you have completed 10 or more holes a round can still be eligible for handicapping purposes
  • If you only manage to play 10 or more holes and are unable to complete your round due to the following reasons; Course closed due to adverse weather, bad light, holes no longer in play, you can still submit your round by marking those holes not played with NS.

NS should only be used when you have been unable to start a hole or complete your round for the above reasons. When you put this on your score sheet, and depending on when your round was stopped, IG will automatically calculate your final score. If you decide to come off the course for any other particular reason, you should enter NR, you will then automatically be given a double nett bogey for any holes you have not played.

See you on the course.

Kind regards
Pauline Humphrey
Lady Captain 2021