Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 11 July 2021

Thursday saw the 2nd round of our club championships. We all waited with baited breath while our three top ladies Virginia, Pat W and Sally W approached the 18th green. They were giving nothing away as they entered the club house. Once the scores were in our Club Champion was declared. Congratulations to Virginia a very worthy winner, runner up Pat W. Congratulations also go to Angela H who came in with an amazing nett score of 65 for the second round, and winning the Angela Chatterton Cup, well done ladies, what a great day!

Good News

I would like to congratulate Hazel B who has agreed to be vice captain for 2022, well done Hazel you will be amazing.

General Information

On Monday we saw Jim Lawlor retire after 20 years of service at Chesfield Downs. Jim will be missed by many but has assured us he will be back to play a few rounds at Chesfield. Good luck in your retirement Jim we all wish you well.

New Studio

The new Holistic Studio in the old Gallery, has now opened with a new programme involving 52 classes per week, all class information available on IG.

New Members of Staff

I would like to welcome our new Course Manager JonJo Pitts who will be joining us shortly. We also have several other new members of staff:
JonJo Pitts – Joins us as our Course Manager
Michael White – Joins as a Green-keeper
Roger Surtees – Returns as one of our Marshals
Amelia Coates – Returns back to the F&B Supervisor position
F&B Team additions – Hollie Edies, Sofie Edies, Daniel Morris, Olivia Pastor

Club PhotoShoot

There will be a club photoshoot on 15th July, we are looking for volunteers to be in the photos. Please contact the office for further information.

Notice From Men’s Captain: Richard Deeks

Afternoon All,
So, it’s that time again, the countdown to my Captains Charity today has started and hopefully you can support me on the day, as you will know from previous comm’s the charity I will be supporting is “The Compassionate Friends”. I’m sure for those of you have children no matter how old, the thought of losing a child is un-imaginable, being a parent of two boys this charity really resonates with me, and that’s why I want to support this charity/bereaved parents. Format for the day will be as follows:

08:00 Shotgun Start

Team Alliance (best 2 scores par 4&5) and (best 3 scores par 3’s)

Members £30
Non-Member £35

Please note you can pay cash on the day, or alternatively transfer cash to the account details below with reference: Captains Charity Day

06:45 – 07:30 Registration
07:30 – 08:00 Walk to Tee
12:30 – 15:00 Lunch/Auction

If you are interested in sponsoring a hole or donating any prizes for the auction or raffle it would be gratefully received, for those of you that have already expressed an interest in sponsoring hole please see details of the Men’s Section account:

Sort Code: 60-20-26 Account Number: 63553449

If you are interested in playing the sign-up sheet can be found on the board opposite the Men’s Changing Rooms door, I will be putting it up this Saturday so please keep an eye out. Finally, all that’s left to say is I really hope you can join me on what should be a fantastic day, raising money for a fantastic cause. Rich.

Kind regards
Pauline Humphrey
Lady Captain 2021