Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 12 Dec 2017

Presentation of Cheque to Willow Foundation
Chris, from the Willow Foundation, came along to receive a cheque for £5900, following our Christmas Greensomes. A fabulous amount raised. I thank each and everyone of you who has contributed to this total during 2017.

Christmas Greensomes
A hardy 12 ladies braved the conditions (it was spitting with rain) to play 9 holes of golf. Winners with 18 points were Margaret Gentle & Pauline Humphrey

Winners of best dressed went to ?????? Can you recognise them??? No points for getting Santa in the middle

We enjoyed mulled wine and nibbles in the Gallery Suite whilst exercising those little grey cells with Marica’s quiz

A tie breaker had to split these three – don’t think Pat was impressed with the answer to “how many miles from London to NYC?”

Worldly wise Jenny was the closest.

Glittering Christmas Party

The Chesfield party animals took over the dance floor on Thursday evening. What a workout after delicious food. Fabulous night

Still time to join the fun at the Members Christmas Party on Sunday 17th. Sign up on the board

Golf Results
Weekend – Last weekend saw the Turkey Trot, an individual stableford qualifier. Pat Ward and Jackie Reid joined the field of men and alas both had a point one increase in their handicaps

Tuesday – what a shamble, thats a team shambles. Winning team comprised of Hazel Brunnen, Anna Lawrence , Lesley Bonser and Di Rogers

Happy Golfing and keep warm

Jackie Reid
Ladies Captain ⛳️