Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 13 June 2021

Well we are all waiting on tenterhooks for the announcement tomorrow from Boris, we should then know how this will effect us with our booked functions and be able to decide on any future changes which may occur, watch this space!

We have had an exciting week with Kathy D winning the Scratch Cup. Congratulations Kathy, and well played Linda B who battled it out until the 18th hole.

Pat P continues celebrations for her big birthday. A most enjoyable treat, lovely afternoon tea, many thanks Pat xx

Upcoming Competitions

  • Tuesday 15th June: sees the ladies competing in a ‘pairs matchplay’ 90% of COURSE handicap. Lowest handicap player plays of scratch and the others play off 90% of the difference.
  • Megan Bonner Par 3 Championship: Thursday 17th June. 2 x 9 hole Strokeplay on Lannock Link Course. Shotgun start at 9.30. Ladies will receive an email reminding them which hole they will be starting off from. Please arrive at the par 3 course 10 minutes beforehand to allow you enough time to get to your hole, ready for the start. Handicap allowance: Half COURSE handicap.
  • Scratch Match: Our ladies will be taking on Porters Park at home on Friday 18th June. Good luck ladies.
  • Past Captains’ Day: Sunday 20th June, further information available on IG.

Charity Day

  • The poster and sign – up sheet for the Charity Day is now on the notice board opposite the ladies locker room. Look out for:
  • ‘Sponsor a Hole’ sign up sheet will be on the ladies locker room door.
  • Linda B will be putting up a sheet asking for donations of sweet/savoury items for the half-way house.
  • Donations for the raffle e.g. bottles, good quality gifts will be gratefully accepted.
  • To help in our administration of the competition, if you are inviting a guest please could you collect all entry fees then make one transaction to the ladies section bank account: CDLS 40-28-14 81769642 referenced Charity Day (if you are unable to pay via online banking, cheque/cash may be put in an envelope referenced; Charity Day, names of competitors, and amount of cash. Please place in the black box in the ladies locker room. Many thanks.

General Information

  • As September approaches and the Solheim Cup looms, it would be really great to obtain a new Solheim Cup Trophy (as I am sure most of you are aware the previous one seems to have disappeared). So, I would like to know if anyone has any photos of the illusive trophy? I would be most grateful to receive any photos, the idea being, we somehow manage to get a replica ready for the big day. Definitely OUR YEAR!
  • Summer Knockouts: The draw sheets for these competitions have been moved to the notice board inside the ladies locker room.
  • First Aid: We still have spaces for the first aid course on the Thursday 24th June after golf (approximately 3pm). The cost of the session is £5.00 pp which covers the cost of the trainer. If you wish to attend please sign up on the poster, on the notice board. Payment of cash/cheque can be placed in the black box and referenced with name, event, amount.
See you on the course!

Kind regards
Pauline Humphrey
Lady Captain 2021