Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 13 May 2019

Last Thursday saw us celebrating after our Spring Meeting when over 40 ladies joined in the fun of the golf course and then later a fine lunch where Cups and Trophies from the previous few months were awarded to the talented winners! Well done to all the ladies who took part on the day and to those who also came away with prizes. Winners on the day were Linda B, Jackie S, Jan K and Olive C, with Julie P, Lin G, Hazel and Kathy M close runners-up, well done ladies. (Hazel was very pleased indeed to achieve an Eagle on the 18th – amazing!) It was lovely, as always, to see our Luncheon Ladies join us looking as glamorous as ever. A massive thank you to you all for raising over £170.00 in the raffle towards our charities!

It has been a busy week all round for a lot of our ladies. Rogie and Vicky travelled to Girton Golf Club near Cambridge for the 3rd round of the Mail on Sunday Foursomes. Unfortunately, this was the end of a wonderful run for them, but they should feel proud for getting so far in a national event. Well done! Eight ladies travelled to Colmworth, north of Bedford on Saturday, for the second of the season’s friendlies. Whilst most of the games finished very close, Chesfield Ladies came away seeking revenge when the return match is played next year. It was a lovely day, when old acquaintances caught up with one another and great cake was worthily eaten at the end of a friendly day! For those of you who remember Roz McKenzie, this is her home club and she ensured everyone was made to feel welcome. While these ladies were playing, several ladies joined John Dench’s Men’s Charity Day. While the hail came down at times and conditions were somewhat difficult, thank you for supporting a fine charity in aid of the Fire Brigade’s Trauma Support Services.

As I said at the beginning of this newsletter, it was a busy week! Sunday saw six of us compete in the Ken Bird Trophy! A trophy close to our hearts and one in which all sections compete. Whilst us ladies tried our hardest, many of us did not have the best of days and we were solidly beaten by the Juniors, who played brilliantly and seemed to have flexibility that I certainly can’t ever remember having!! Well done to them, of course, a great group of Juniors, who Chesfield are, rightly, very proud of, but also to our team of ladies! Some of you will be pleased to have been able to put your feet up over the next few days!!

Apologies to anyone who has played in other competitions that I have missed! Now to a few BIG reminders!!! Unfortunately due to ill health, Barbara J has had to drop out of the Away Weekend and that now leaves a spare place!! If you now find you are able to come please do get in touch with Nikki B asap. A reminder from Clare B that you will need to either send or bring a toddler photo of yourself along with you!

It is only a month to THE CHARITY DAY!! Argghh!! The sign-up sheets are now up for the game (Pairs Betterball) and the lunch only option! So please get your name up there as soon as possible. Also in the locker room is a sign-up to SPONSOR A HOLE and to contribute to the HALFWAY HOUSE (kindly being run on the day by Jean P and Mary H). Don’t forget you can invite your friends along from near or far, the more the merrier! There is also a box to contribute suitable gifts for either the BOTTLE RAFFLE or the STAR RAFFLE!

I will be reminding you over the next few weeks of other arrangements for the BIG DAY!

Lastly, we mustn’t forget to wish the Scratch Team good luck on Friday when they are at home to Ashridge, can they do the double on them!! YES they can.

Enjoy the fine weather, this week!

Ladies Captain 2019