Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 13 November 2022

Thank you to everyone who attended the AGM. Sorry about the unconstitutional occurrence. We are working very hard to rectify this

A huge thank you to you ladies for my presents. I love the photo book, the flowers, the card and the chocolates – have made a dent in them already! Also thank you for your very generous cheque, I will think long and hard before spending any of it.

It has been a great privilege to represent Chesfield Downs Ladies Section for 2022 There have been many mistakes or should I call them evolutionary opportunities?

But I hope I leave the section in a good place for Hazel to enjoy 2023.

Pearson Team fought valiantly at The Melbourne but the home team won the day. They had to contend with horrendous rain and thunder and lightning. matches were suspended but resumed dripping wet and soaked through when the sun came out. Well done ladies – very proud of you all.

Message from Karen re submitting General Play cards on to ig

The Ladies need to update their IG version to 2.4.1 and when submitting a General Play card both the Player and the Marker need to be on the same version of the software. Lin and Megan have tried it and it worked ok

IG have removed the need for scorecard photographs for general play rounds. The scorecard attestation process for general play cards has been significantly improved with the use of signatures for both the player and the marker.

Members can now sign their card in the app, search for another member, then send their playing partner a request to mark their card. The marker will receive a push notification and a banner in their app which tells them a score is waiting to be verified. The marker can then approve or reject this score which will notify the player that the card can now be finalised. If the card is rejected a reason must be provided which will also be sent to the player.

Although this process is very straightforward, England Golf have produced a short video which can be shared

There is a video on You Tube – igmember App Score Attestation Demo


Tuesday 8th November Double on Yellows. 1st Julie Price 48 Points 2nd Hazel 43 Points

Saturday 15th October/ Thursday 10th November Cup Winners Cup Winner Sarah Faircliff Nett 74

Consolation Cup Winner Mary Harrison Nett 75


Tuesday 15 November Gruesomes. Weather is looking gruesome!

Tuesday 15th November 7 pm Club AGM

Thursday 17th November Hattersley Cup Hazel and I are looking forward to our battle on Thursday – Captain v Vice Captain. Teams are on ig. First Pair are on Captain’s Team, second pair are on Vice Captain’s team We did the draw on Friday picking blindly from a high handicap envelope and then a low handicap envelope. Good luck everyone – weather looks good at the moment. I hope you have let Ann Kane know if you are staying for tea and cakes.

If you have represented a team this year but are not playing but can still come for refreshments please let Ann K know.

Saturday 19th November Mixed Winter league

Tuesday 22 November Double the Odds

Thursday 24th November 9 hole Winter Invitation. We have 87 players entered for this comp. It is going to be a great day

Thank you to everyone who has donated bottles and chocolates – there is room for just a few more of these.

The weather is still quite mild for November – let’s make the most of this. get those General Play Cards in.