Happy Valentines Day! This must be the coldest Valentines day on record. In fact, it has also been the coldest January across the UK since 2010. Would be far too cold for golf – me thinks – every cloud and all that!
The bad weather has unfortunately made it impossible for Lee, and his significantly reduced team, to carry out the planned ‘drill and fill’ work on the greens scheduled for 8th February. However, a warmer week ahead is forecast, so fingers crossed. On another note its been a great week for some Chesfield Downs Ladies with so many of you now having had your first dose of the vaccine. Every day it’s getting closer for those of us who are still waiting.
Ping Mixed Betterball Competition
I am delighted to say that we now have a date in the diary for the Ping Mixed Betterball Competition, Saturday 29th May 2021 (subject to government guidelines). 5 day members will be granted courtesy of the course for this competition. It is a similar event to the Ladies Ping Pairs which is so popular within our section. So I thought I would give you advance warning to ‘save the day’. This new mixed event for club golfers will see the top 50 pairs in the country qualify for the national final at Thonock Park on Tuesday 7th September, 2021. Winners and runners-up from each club – even if they don’t make it to the final – will receive prizes from PING. England Golf have not released all the competition rules at present but for further information go to: https://www.englandgolf.org/england-golf-and-ping-announce-new-mixed-betterball-event/
County News
Until we have a route map out of lockdown, the county is working on the premise of ‘business as usual’, with that in mind, please see links below for the current Championship schedule of events for 2021. When more information on government restrictions is released, the county will communicate their plans for rescheduling, if necessary. All 2021 Entry Forms and Flyers for the whole season can be found on the HG website and can be viewed by clicking the links below.
Live Online Golf Tutorials
These continue this week with;
Putting Perfection – Thursday 18th February 2021 at midday
All tutorials take place on Zoom, to register click on the link below, Latest News at Home, scroll down to, live online golf tutorials, click on, to register for session.
Coffee Zoom
Great to enjoy a virtual coffee morning with some of the ladies during the week. Always nice to hear some fun and laughter, reminds me of the clubhouse. If you want to join in let me know, space for everyone.
Have a good week.
Pauline Humphrey
Lady Captain 2021