Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 14 June 2020

How lovely it has been to play some social golf with our friends and getting that much needed exercise in the sunshine.

It is good to see you all enjoying the Captains Shuffle it has been a great way of keeping the section playing together and allowing us all to play with different partners each time.

Tuesday 9th June

Team game 321 Some great scores with Helen L, Lin G and Julie R winning with 85 stableford points and very close runners up were Pat W, Rogie T and Ann G with 84 points, well done everyone who played.

Thursday 11th June
Individual stableford Winner was me with 37 points, no one is more surprised than me after oversleeping and getting to the club at the very last minute not at all ready to play golf and wearing shorts when everyone else was in waterproofs it was a little chilly and a few showers but I survived!! Thank heavens for summer golf when the ball just keeps running!! Hazel B was runner up with 36 points on countback from Rosie W. I hope you have all enjoyed your golf this week.

If you wish to join in with any of the Competition Shuffles please reply to my email that goes out to you all on a Sunday evening.

Many of you will have played and experienced the new Hole Lift Cups, purchased by the Men’s Section Captain Paul Taylor, they enable the ball to be fully holed, a big improvement on the original Cups. The men’s section have been very keen to return to competition golf as soon as possible.

Competition Golf is coming back in July we will play our Monthly Medals and Stableford only, as per the diary, we will not have our block bookings for the time being but we can continue to organise ourselves with the Shuffles for those that wish.

6am-9am 2balls only
9am-1pm 3balls only
1pm-8pm 4balls

The Club are hoping, by following the government guidelines, to be able to open the bar, Gym and studio all at reduced capacity abiding by social distancing around July 4th when the government has said this can happen.  The Builders should be back onsite Monday 15th June to finish the bar area.

County cards are available now from reception please pick one up next time you play.

I wish to thank all the Ladies that have volunteered to do some early evening marshalling some of us have already done an evening, some have even caught guys trying to sneak onto the course!

Please continue to stay alert and safe

Happy Golfing 🏌🏻‍♀️
Ladies Captain