Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 14 March 2021

Not long now ladies! Can’t wait to see you all again, its been soooo long.

29th March is the day we have all been waiting for. Let’s hope the weather is kind to us. As you are aware, we are not allowed to hold competitions during the first week back. However, we have managed to secure a captains shuffle for; Tuesday 30th March and Thursday 1st April. If you wish to be involved in these events please sign up onto IG where you will be added to the shuffle list. Sign up will open for the shuffle at 8am on 22nd March, this is before it’s opened up to all members at 7.30pm. Please send your score cards to Hazel following your round. Your playing partner must agree your score (just show each other your cards, NO signing required).

Week commencing 4th April

  • Thursday Competitions please sign up on IG in the usual manor.
  • Tuesday Competitions please sign up to Captains Shuffle (optional of course).
  • Weekend competitions please sign up on IG.

Dates for Your Diary

  • Tuesday 6th April; Day after the bank holiday, in line with usual practise – NO Tuesday club.
  • Thursday 8th April; Maria Moore Millennium Bowl Pairs
  • Sunday 11th April; Price Vase Stableford Q Alternate Day
  • Tuesday 13 April; Captains Shuffle – Kay Baker 9 Hole Memorial Competition
  • Thursday 15th April; Price Vase Stableford Q Main Event
  • Sunday 18th April; Weekend Eclectic Round 1

Further dates and information re; competitions/matches will be available on IG.

Matches and Competitions

Winter Knock Out – Extended Deadlines – The draw sheet remains on the notice board (opposite the ladies changing rooms). Player who’s name appears first on the draw sheet should contact opponent and offer 3 possible dates for match. Dates for Matches to be played by;

  • Round 1 to be played by 1st May
  • Round 2 to be played by 1st June
  • Final to be played by 1st July

Megan Bonner Par 3 Championship

For this year only, due to government restrictions this competition will be played over the period of 2 weeks commencing on Saturday 29th May – Saturday 12th June on the Par 3 course. Rules for this competition are:

  • Book your own Tee time on Par 3
  • Ladies must play with another member of the club (male or female)
  • Photograph your completed score card and send to Hazel following your round
  • Your playing partner must agree your score (just show each other your cards, NO signing required)
  • Once you have started to play a round you cannot decide to change your playing day
  • Entry payment of £2.00 will be collected at the end of the month

A Little Trip Down Memory Lane

Julie Page sent in this amazing photo of our very own Julie Price, that must have been a great day!

Live Online Golf Tutorials

These continue this week with;

The Awkward Lie of Chipping – Wednesday 17th March at 12:00

All tutorials take place on Zoom, to register click on the link below, Latest News at Home, scroll down to, live online golf tutorials, click on, to register for session.

Have a good week.

Kind regards
Pauline Humphrey
Lady Captain 2021