Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 15 May 2017

Spring Meeting Winners

The winning team from our Spring Meeting – Kathy Carroll, Lesley Bonser, Nikki Brooke & Katy Cook. Congratulations ladies and to all the winners who picked up their Cup & Trophies on the day.

After a team alliance round we all enjoyed a delicious lunch in the conservatory. And over £200 raised for the Willow Foundation. Thank you ladies for your continued support.

Click here for more photos from the day.

In other news…. Kathy Dale played her first round match in the De Paula Cup, a Herts County competition. Against a long long hitting opponent from Moor Park, Kathy came out victorious 5&4. Drive for show putt for dough – or a place in the next round in this case. Well done Kathy.

Divot party
We will all benefit from the divot party that took place this week, thank you to Angela Hamilton and Kathy Dale for turning out to help. The greens are looking fantastic and with the rain that is due the fairways will benefit enormously. Well done to Andy and his team.
Solheim Cup
Please see the notice board for info on the Solheim Cup, to be played on the Friday 18th August at Mill Green. If you wish to be selected for the (USA) team please sign up.
Afternoon Tea on Pride of Lee
Please see the notice board for details of a leisurely cruise on board the Pride of Lee on 28th June. Only 22 places so first come first served. 
Away Weekend
Not long now…. please make your menu choices via the emails received. Any queries re the weekend please see Lin or Katy.
Golf Results
Weekend winner of the monthly medal was Megan Bonner with a gross 95, runner up Linda Brown.
Tuesday ‘Split 3’ winners were Maggie Theaker, Pam Wilson, Liz Cooke, and Vicky Thompson.

Jackie Reid
Ladies Captain⛳️