Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 15 May 2022

We enjoyed some good weather this week but looks set to change. Good old British Weather!!

Charity Day Thursday 16th June is closing in on us. Volunteers still needed for :- 

Starter/Photographer on 1st and 10th holes – husbands/partners

3rd Hole balls over the lake – husbands/partners

Please bring donations for raffle/bottle tombola/ nearly new golf clothes and equipment to the locker room. I will put items securely away

Still in need of vouchers from other clubs for 4 balls

Still in need of vouchers for services eg MOT, Hairdresser, waxing, afternoon tea, and anything else you can think of

Lots of ladies have invited guests from other clubs which is great. Please can you get their CDH number and let Lin have it

Club Jumper. There is a medium v neck club jumper from last order still to claim. Is this yours? Please collect and pay at reception

Members Night 8th June First tee time 5pm.

The May members night was very well attended and I was pleased to see 7 ladies playing.

Great value:- We had 9 holes of golf, free Chesfield Downs water bottle, Chilli Con Carne with all the accompaniments, and a free drink at the bar.

Fantastic value for £5   Guests are welcome at a cost of £15


I am told that Debbie Foley is available for chipping lessons.She had some greats shots from off the green – holing 3 of them and gaining a birdie

Well done Debbie


Thursday 19th May Spring Meeting. This is a qualifier playing off  95% handicap. Nearest the Pin and Longest Drive challenges. Please bring some pound coins for a simple game and also for staff collection after the meal. No table plan, please sit with your playing partners. Will raffle off table centrepiece plants at end of meal. Don’t expect anything artistic as I have done them I need a sympathy vote!


Tuesday 10th May Split 3s

1st Vicky Lin G Julie R   96 points

2nd Pat Rosie Ann K 89 points

Brilliant scores. Well done

Thursday 12 May Monthly Stableford May:-

Division 1 Hazel 37 points

Division 2 Lynn C 40 Points

Division 3 Pam W 39 points

De Paula Cup:- This is a scratch singles KO. Kathy Dale fought hard against a formidable opponent and lost on the 18th hole. Thank you for representing Chesfield Downs Ladies Kathy. Undeterred Kathy would like to enter again next year


Mount Pleasant Friendly. 8 Chesfield Ladies took on Mount Pleasant for a match which will be the last time we play at Mount Pleasant before it becomes a housing estate. The 5 S’s of sports are: stamina, speed, strength and spirit. Chesfield have spirit in abundance.



Team Benton Hall took on the big guns on Thursday. We may not have won the day but we certainly were the best dressed team there. Even the men commented on our club colours. ” A trophy carries dust, memories last forever”




As some of you know I intend doing a wing walk to raise money for my charities. I am one step nearer. I have the medical go ahead and have e mailed with my choice of dates. Watch this space

Please continue to give generously to these worthy causes