Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 17 April 2020

Hello Ladies

I hope you are all staying fit and well through these unprecedented times!

Today I was given some very sad news that Kay O’Sullivan a very dear friend to you all and a member of Chesfielddowns Ladies for many years passed away today after a long battle with her health. I believe Kay had been at Chesfielddowns from the beginning and had been Ladies Captain, this lovely lady will be sorely missed by her family and friends. Our condolences and thoughts are with the family at this sad time.

Since being in lockdown some of the ladies have not been idle, they have been keeping themselves busy by responding to an appeal from the Lister Hospital. They have been making heart coasters either knitted, crochet or hand made in material, they are for patients who are unwell either on a ward or in intensive care and another matching heart for their relative so that they can feel they are connected during these times when they are not able to visit.

They are also making drawstring bags large enough for nurses to put their uniform in as soon as they take it off to isolate them then they can be put directly into the washing machine in the bag to be washed alone.

If anyone wishes to join in and make hearts or bags they can contact Hazel B for hearts and Katy C for bags, your help will be greatly appreciated even if you just donate to the ladies any material, wool or even wadding for the filling.

We have a couple of whatsApp groups running where we post daily news items, jokes and questions, you are guaranteed to have at least one laugh out loud moment a day.

Julie R has become a quiz master posting a golf rules question daily which we must answer without looking it up, the answer is given later in the day, I think we’re all learning things we never knew only hope I can remember it all when we start playing again.

I personally have been using the IG fitness classes, it’s great as you get the instructor live on your tablet screen to follow. Lots of golf tips and videos by the pro’s on IG to watch and learn.

I was prompted to invest in a chipping net for the garden after watching video clips posted on our whatsApp group by Kathy D competing against her husband it was very entertaining and looked fun.

Alister and I have since had a number of afternoon chipping competitions, nothing has been broken and no balls have been lost so far.

I know many of you are walking on a daily basis, I’m lucky enough to live close to an entrance onto the Letchworth Greenway so walking daily has been a pleasure, we even sometimes take a club and half a dozen balls each to hit on the way round in the deserted playing field.

We are very lucky to have such technology that we can still see and chat to family and friends on Skype, FaceTime and Zoom.

Some of us have had coffee mornings on zoom which is fun and noisy but great to see everyone.

With this lovely weather my garden is getting lots of attention I’ve set my potatoes, tomatoes, cucumber, sweet corn, peppers and lots more. If any of you are unable to get out to buy your compost, plants or seeds Langford nursery & garden centre will deliver to you just give them a call with your order.

I know we are all missing golf and the social side of it and cannot wait to get back to being with our friends and our lovely newly refurbished club, studio and gym and the course which is looking very inviting, pictures posted by a member walking beyond the boundaries of the course.

Stay safe everyone and god bless our NHS.

Ladies Captain