Summer is here at last. 3 weeks ago snow stopped play for Megan Bonner Par 3 Comp, this week we have been playing in tee shirts. I know which one I prefer!
Lots happening now that the season is in full swing
General Notice It is recommended by England Golf that if you are playing an 18 hole singles round of golf that you put in a General Play Card.
Can we make a plea for prompt payment for competitions which are not on ig. Pat (treasurer) audits the payments and follows up non payments which is a lot of extra work for her. Please please please pay promptly.
Tuesday 19th April is a practice round and it would be a good idea to put in a General Card. Please notify Karen of your intention to submit this card BEFORE starting your round
Thursday 21 April is a Stableford Qualifier
Good Luck to the Pearson Team for their last match on Wednesday
Good Luck also to the Friendly Team who kick off the season with a match at Pavenham on Friday
Sign up sheets for the next 2 friendlies are now up in the locker room
Good Luck too to the Scratch Team with their match at Bishop Stortford on Saturday
Thursday August 4th Awayday at Lakeside Lodge GC, Pidley, Huntingdon Sign up sheet is again up in locker room. Enter with a partner or sign up next to another single person
Kay Baker Memorial Bowl Winner Megan Bonner
Jubilee Jug
Winners of trophy Julie Pa, and Jacky S

Winners of best dressed trolleys Maggi and Rosie A great day. Weather, outfits, golf and topped off by great cakes
Enjoy your Easter Weekend. I have already eaten my weight in chocolate!