Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 17 July 2022

” Be careful what you wish for”  We wished for sun and we now have it in abundance.  I am not playing at the moment but I know some people may struggle.

Hazel has postponed the Friendly match on Monday until September. Date to be arranged. A wise decision.

Lin has postponed the Stableford League game on Tuesday and moving that to September too.

Upcoming :-

Thursday 21 July Lorraine Palmer Cup Pairs

Saturday 23 July Weekend Stableford Q

Thursday 28 July Stableford Q

Thursday 4th August  Awayday 

Friday 5th August Match against Mowsbury – away. Players needed. Please sign up in the locker room. An ideal opportunity to gain match experience with a more experienced player

Dates for your diaries

17th September Captains Day

22 September  Autumn Meeting


Sunday 10th July Scratch Team win against Bishop Stortford and Amelia got an Eagle on the 7th. Well done everyone

Tuesday 12 July Winning Team in Coloured Ball Comp. Linda A, Marion, and Jenny B

Thursday 14 July Medal Division 1 Hazel 67  Division 2 Julie R 66  Division 3 Jan W 68  Excellent scores ladies

Those ladies going to Portugal Diane has sent an e mail for info

I may not get to do a newsletter next weekend as we are off to the north east for a family christening. 

Happy hydrated golf 

My wing walk is getting close now Sunday 14 August. Please sponsor me if you can.