Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 17 November 2019

The Ladies AGM is not only about providing the section with an update of how 2019 has gone, it is also about celebrating success! Olive C won the weekend Spring Salver 2019 back in May and was thrilled to receive the silverware and her keepsake! One for your album, Olive!!

Last week, many of you kindly attended the Club AGM. I was deeply touched to have your support at the meeting, where I was formerly announced as the Club Captain for 2020. This is a huge honour and I follow in the footsteps of only two other ladies; Marica K and Kathy D. If I can simply mirror their great work as Club Captains, I will be satisfied!! Thank you to all those who took the time to vote in the Ballot.

This last week’s golf was rather a difficult one. Tuesday was incredibly cold for the individual Stableford competition and on Thursday morning, we made the decision to postpone the Hattersley Cup due to a very waterlogged course early morning. It is always a tricky decision first thing in the morning to make that call, but in the end most of the ladies thought it was the right one. Nevertheless, some of you did go out a bit later and found the course surprisingly playable. Next week it looks drier and fingers crossed the planned Mulligans game on Tuesday and the Winter Invitation on Thursday will be unaffected by the weather. There are still a few places left for the Winter Invitation if you can play, so please drop me an email and get your name down. If you haven’t paid yet, can I please remind you. The rearranged Hattersley Cup will now be played on Thursday 5th December. There are plenty of spaces for you to fill up and join us. Lin has now put this particular match onto Ig, so if you are available to play, please email her and she will find you a timeslot.

PLEASE remember to continue to keep up a good pace while playing your round! Remember if you are ready to drive off as soon as you get to the next tee, this will help! Marking your card can take place while others tee off!!

Chesfield Downs will be hosting a Women and Golf Tour event on Sunday 16th February from 10am – 3pm. The workshop will be run by Dr Kitrina Douglas (an ex Solheim Cup and Womens Tour player) and will focus on the psychological aspects that influence how we play golf. The outcome should be to make us feel more confident, focussed and better prepared for the 2020 season. The event is open to all lady golfers, not just those from Chesfield Downs so please invite your friends and family. There is an initial sign up sheet and further information in the changing room and the cost for the day will be £30.00 to include refreshments and a light buffet style lunch. Please sign up and get the date in your diary. For more information, please see Sarah F.

We are just a month away from the Christmas Party on Friday 13th December. There are still places if you fancy joining us on an evening of great company and ‘just’ a bit of boogieing!! The sign-up sheet and the menu sheet are on the locker room noticeboard.

There is a lot going on at this end of the year, so please don’t forget to pay Pat for everything you are joining in!

Thank you!
Ladies Captain 2019