Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 18 April 2021

It’s good to be back playing competitive golf again. Some amazing scores and big handicap cuts this week, well done ladies!

Maria Moore Millennium Bowl

Winners – Linda B & Pat W, Runners up: Debbie Foley & Mandy Unger

Price Vase

Winner – Paula Moore coming in with an amazing 43 points
Runner up – Nicola Adkins, 42 points

Congratulations also go Linda A who chipped in from off the green on the 6th to score a fabulous Par!

Upcoming Competitions

  • Thursday 22nd April – O’Sullivan Cup Team Alliance, 85% of Course HDC (to calculate 85% – COURSE HDC x 85%)
  • First Friendly Match of the season Friday 23rd April, Chesfield Downs v Pavenham Park at home, good luck ladies!
  • Sunday 25th April –  Ann Warner/Maureen Eastwood Trophy Qualifier (Alternative Day)

World Handicap System

Can I remind ladies to check their HDC before playing as we get used to the new system. Handicaps are recalculated every night even if the competition has not been closed, therefore it seems handicaps are changing rapidly.

Score Cards

Since we have had such a long break, and are now facing many changes with the WHS it seems a few of us (including me) are not filling in our score cards correctly. Therefore, to ensure you do not get a DQ please follow these instructions. All sections of card must be filled in with:

  • The competition & date
  • Tee time
  • Course Handicap, Handicap Index, Playing Handicap (all 3 must be on card) for marker and golfer
  • Golfer goes in A
  • Marker goes in D
  • Score must be written in the box at the bottom of the card

Writing on card should be legible.

Upload the card when prompted (not beforehand) making sure the whole card is visible
When you upload the card you are prompted for a name, that will be the person you are marking for (A)

Jacky has kindly filled out the ideal scorecard. Please click on the link below to view it.

Your co-operation will be gratefully appreciated.

Enjoy your golfing week!

Kind regards
Pauline Humphrey
Lady Captain 2021