Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 18 December 2022

Well here it is – Merry Christmas and my last newsletter. I am sure you will have better things to do next weekend than read my drivel. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to be 2023 Ladies Captain of Chesfield Downs Golf Club

The snow put paid to any golf this week, meaning our Christmas Greensomes didn’t happen.

Undaunted we gathered in festive spirits and Christmas jumpers for a quiz in the bar . We even attracted some interlopers at other tables who actually got the best score of the day! We finished off the morning with Mulled wine and mince pies

Winners from Chesfield Ladies were Debbie and Jacqui Hard on countback from Helen and Paula who took the Christmas theme to another level!

Ladies enjoyed the Christmas Party- food was good, dancing was energetic and company was excellent

While on the subject of photos please take a moment to look at the Photoboard which has been updated. Apologies to any missing events but I was having technical issues in Boots printing them off. Was frightening off other customers with my mutterings so had to leave!

There are still a few packs of Christmas Cards left – minimum donation of £3 for a pack of 5.Also knitted headbands ( only 3 left) £3 donation too. Hazel now has these.


None to report

Upcoming:- if the thaw doesn’t flood the course!

Tuesday 20 December Pairs Betterball

Thursday 22 December Double on the Evens

Monday 26 December Mixed Mark Smith Boxing Day Scramble

Tuesday 27 December Practice Round

Thursday 29 December Practice Round

On now – over to Hazel

Hazel I am sure all the ladies would like to join me in wishing you and your 2023 Committee the very best of luck and good weather!!!!

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to all our Ladies Section

Signing off – Kathy Ladies Captain 2022