Wow, what a day we had on Thursday! I was overwhelmed by the generosity of all of you wonderful ladies and I have received great feedback from the Charity guys as to how much they enjoyed it too. The lads on the helicopter I think you will agree were fantastic and actually getting them there really made the day. Watching them disappear over the club left me feeling quite emotional…the poor guys got a call on their way back but at least they had been fed and watered!
A big thanks too to all the staff and management at the club, they helped make the whole day feel like a big family party and the atmosphere was terrific. Although I don’t have all the figures in it looks as though we raised in the region of £3000 on the day. There are so many photos doing the rounds that it is difficult to choose one to sum up our day….if you have any photos please could you whatsapp or email them to me.
The Scratch team match against West Herts at home on Friday was played in fabulous sunshine. We fielded a very strong team for our return match and I am delighted that we won the match 3 : 2. Well done Virginia, Pat Ward and Sally for winning your matches to give us the win for the team. So far this season, we have WON 2, HALVED 2, LOST 1. Our final three matches in July – Could this be our year for promotion? Come on Chesfield !!!
The weather looks fab for golf and we have a Friendly match v John O Gaunt this week. Good luck to the team. It’s a great course!
Tee times have been issued to those playing for the Captains Shuffle on Tuesday and Kathy Morris is closing up the Aussie Spoons competition this week and submitting our winners.
Jo Oliver will be running a squad clinic on Tuesday 3rd July, please sign up on the list in the changing room. Jo is also running her regular Mon/Wed clinics through the summer. Keep your eyes on the board for details.
Happy golfing one and all, and thanks again for a memorable day on Thursday.
Sarah Faircliff – Ladies Captain 2018