Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 19 June 2022

Charity Day  I hope those of you who took part in the day enjoyed it. The weather was amazing – maybe a little too hot!

Everyone was very generous with their donations. Thank you so much

The winners on the day were:- .Jacqui Harbor and Wendy Martindale with 46 points on count back from Kathy Dale and Amanda Mackinight on count back from Jackie Swanson and Jacqui Harding. Great scores ladies. Nearest the pin was won by Andy Walker, longest drive by Nikki Brooke and nearest the line by Julie Retallick ( in fact on the line)

A huge thank you to the Chesfield Staff- greenkeepers, reception and bar staff who ran around all day making sure everything went to plan

Thank you to everyone who sponsored a hole, cajoled businesses/golf clubs into donating vouchers and to all the ladies who took their chances on the tombola, raffle, pick a tee, count the tees, lucky dip etc. Pat will let us know in due course how much was raised


As you are aware we invited men to play in Charity day this year. This decision was taken after several years of debate on the subject. It was decided that as the men invite the ladies every year we would reciprocate. There were 8 men playing this year. It wasn’t advertised widely. Could you let me know how you feel about this please so Hazel can make an informed decision next year.

We are getting very excited about the away weekend next weekend. Looking forward to the golf but also to see why we need so many empty toilet roll holders and empty yoghurt pots!   There won’t be a newsletter next week

Swiftly followed by Club Championship on Tuesday 5th and Thursday 7th July. Tea and scones will be served on Thursday and the cups awarded for gross and handicap winners.

Sign up on ig now open for Palmer Cup on Wednesday 3rd August. This is a competition ladies v senior men

Awayday follows on Thursday 4th August Hazel has that all sorted

Captains’ Day is Saturday 17th September. For those of you who haven’t experienced this – a quick explanation. This day is organised by all the sections captains.

A game of 18 holes and then a big evening event with prizes awarded and a meal and entertainment and dancing. Members are encouraged to invite players from other clubs to play and also non playing friends/spouses/partners for the evening event. Please try and keep the date free and join in the fun


Special mention to Olive who won the Seniors Club Championship and Hazel who was runner up. Well Done. The ladies section are a force to be reckoned with!

Tuesday 14th June Pairs Matchplay by 3/2 :- Katy/LynnC/Hazel/Vicky/AnnK/Jackie S/Jan/Linda A/ Jacqui Harb. I believe everyone was a winner and a chocolate orange was the prize. Thank you Julie for organising


 Come and join us at the Captain’s Charity Tea Parties at Watercress Close, Stevenage.. Arranged by Marica and Hilary

Two cream tea parties have been arranged for our ladies Captain’s Charity A notice will go up next weekend in the locker room for those who would like to attend. These events will be limited to 10 ladies per event. If the dates are oversubscribed, a ballot will be held by Kathy. Minimum donation to the Charities of £25


Posh sandwiches, variety of savouries, homemade cakes, scones with cream and homemade jams, fresh fruit skewers,, Prosecco, fresh orange or apple juice

Dates:- Wednesday 10th and Friday 19th August  Time 2.30 pm 

Sign up will go up on Tuesday

Another new lady has joined the section – she will play mainly at weekends at the moment. Her name is Dawn so please give her the friendly Chesfield welcome when you see her

See you in 2 weeks
