Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 19 Mar 2016

Easter Week – Collect your chocolate egg this week from Kathy . Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday

Captains’ Drive In, Saturday 9th April – Shotgun start, followed by food and the exciting launch of the season Drive In by all the Section Captains. The Sign Up sheet is on the Social Notice Board

Walk The Bridges Of London, Sunday 8th May 2016 – Fundraising for Letchworth Garden House Hospice. Please give your application forms to our organiser, Chris Bryce. We have ten ladies walking so far: Di Alford, Alison Webber, Megan Bonner, Rogie Taylor, Yvonne Wood, Hilary Clark, Angela Hamilton, Di Rogers, Lesley Bonser and Kathy Carroll. They are all raising money, so if you cannot walk, perhaps you can sponsor our brave trekkers.

£100 has been raised already – View our Just Giving page on

Chesfield Downs Celebrates our 25th Anniversary – Save the dates

Thursday 14th April – Ladies Section Silver Jubilee Jug – Pairs Betterball. Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 25th Wear something silver or decorate your bag/hat. Then enjoy Afternoon Tea in a silver decorated Conservatory. (If you cannot play golf that day, please join us for Tea)

Friday 27th May – Chesfield celebrates with a Golf Day Event and a chance to say “goodbye” to Ed O’Hanlan, our head greenkeeper who leaves that day

Friday 15th July – A Celebration evening dinner and live band is planned. If you have any stories/memorabilia/photos – old and new, please email Kathy Dale or Emily, Events Manager at Chesfield Downs

7-Day – On Saturday the mixed winter league played pairs matchplay against the course. A difficult opponent as no mistakes were made by the course. The winners scored a fantastic 6 up. Excellent score by Pat Ward and partner at 1 down

Tuesday – More Match Play this week. In preparation for all our summer matchplay competitions, our ladies played a 4BBB matchplay format. This was followed by a very informative talk from Jo Oliver, our very own knowledgeable and experienced pro golfer. Thank you Jo for giving your time and to Margaret Gentle for organising this for us. 

Thursday – St Patricks Day was very appropriate for the team event O’Sullivan Cup. There was lots of green on display and even some beer goggles!
The trophy was won with 79 points by Jenny Fever, Jackie Reid, Angela Hamilton and Sarah Faircliff.  Two teams came very close on 77 points – Lin Goodey, Rogie Taylor, Pauline Humphrey, Kathy Morris and Barbara Baldwin, Mary Hooper, Maria Mouncher, Ann Cullum. Well Done All 
O’Sullivan Cup – Winning Team

InterClub Matches
Our Pearson Team won their match against Hanbury Manor this week. 4 games to 3. An excellent result. Congratulations to Marica and her team. Pat Ward, Kathy Dale, Jackie Reid, Liz Cooke, Patti Vincent, Margaret Gentle and Megan Bonner

Kathy Dale, Ladies’ Captain