Winter Invitation, Thursday 24th November – Remember To Pay (Members £17 & Guests £22) and check the notice board for your tee time and which tee you will start from.
Ladies v Men’s Section Competition, Sunday 27th November – Meet at 8.45am. Team selection and tee times are on the notice board.
Ladies Away Weekend, 4-6 June 2017 at Hellidon Lakes – Please sign up if you are interested. Thank you to Katy Cook and Lin Goodey for organising this for us all.
Pearson League
Our Pearson return match at home against Bishops Stortford this week produced some excellent games. Two games went to the 18th, one went to the 19th and one went all the way to the 21st !!! Although Bishops Stortford won the match 5:2. This does not do justice to the individual matches played. Congratulations to all the team on producing such close games against very tough opponents.
Ken Bird Mixed Winter League, 4BBB Matchplay Against the Course – A great round of golf by Pat Ward and her husband Les beating the course by 9 holes to give them 2nd place out of 50 pairs of golfers (1st place was an astonishing 12 holes).
The first of our 9-hole competitions, Individual Stableford. We welcome back Gaynor Tinsdale to the Ladies Section. There were some excellent scores for 9-holes.
In 1st place Hazel Brunnen, who scored an excellent 21 points, even after having her handicap cut on Monday In 2nd place Lin Goodey 20 points.
We played our qualifying competition to decide who will represent Chesfield Downs in the Daily Mail Foursomes event. Our winners played under handicap to produce a nett 70.5 score. Congratulations go to Mary Harrison and Margaret Fredjohn.
Kathy Dale, Ladies’ Captain