Hello Ladies
I hope you are all staying well and are able to get out for some exercise even if it is just in your gardens
IG have been running exercise classes just log on and go to my golf then you will see a tab for classes.
Jo O has been putting Stay at Home coaching videos on you tube on a daily basis they are great fun, take a look on you tube and practice in your garden or putt in your hallway if you dare!
I live near to part of the Letchworth Greenway so we have been able to walk every day and have even taken a golf club and half a dozen balls to hit in an empty playing field.
Unfortunately we have now had to make the decision to postpone the Away Weekend to Staverton Park June 7th 2020. It will now be 6th June 2021 your deposit of £35 will be held by Golf Breaks and Pat W will be returning your balance once she has received your bank details.
The Away Day which is planned for Thursday 30th July 2020 has not been postponed at the moment but it is looking likely if the current situation remains, we will keep you informed.
News items from Lady members
Did you know? Angela H in the O’Sullivan Cup scored a 3 for 5 on the 10th hole
First shot into the bunker on the right
Second shot in front of the ditch
Third shot chipped over the ditch into the hole
Wow! This must have helped her team to win the O’Sullivan Cup, well done.
A message from Lauren P
Dear Ladies,
Thank you so much for your flowers, messages and many cards offering condolences for Ian. You have shown me and my family huge love and support and we are so grateful and uplifted by your kindness. Ian’s funeral will take place on 16th April at 2pm. It was always planned to be a private family funeral but the coronavirus has put restrictions on certain aspects of it, such as numbers and age of attendees. Hopefully social isolation will start to win the fight and Ian will get the send off he deserves and we will all be back together soon playing golf and socialising. Fingers crossed and stay safe.
Lauren x
Honours Boards
After many weeks of organising I have finished putting the Honours Boards in order for the wall and collating missing data. With the help of long standing members we managed to complete missing Christian names and some missing dates. The Ladies Honours Boards are now completed.
I did intend to add photo’s taken by members over the last few weeks of isolation but have been unable to, maybe by the next newsletter I will have worked that one out!
Jackie R and Hazel B have set up WhatsApp groups if you would like to join one of these groups please contact either of them and they will add you, it’s a fun way to keep in touch while we cannot meet up.