Well its May!! How did that happen? Great to see more and more of our ladies returning to the course. Well done to Linda B who came in with an amazing 69 net score on Saturday in the weekend ‘Medal Qualifier’. Sunday (today) saw the first of our scratch matches, Chesfield Downs v Harpenden Common at home. Fantastic result! 4-1 to Chesfield Downs. A special mention goes to Amelia F who made her debut today for the scratch team and came in with a brilliant 4-3 win! Well done ladies!
Upcoming competitions
Ken Bird sign up sheet is on the ladies notice board.
Summer Knock Out competitions will be available on IG
- ANN GRIST TROPHY: Singles Knockout Match Play
- MARY WARMOTH TROPHY: Pairs Betterball Knockout Matchplay
Booking opens for both of these competitions on Monday 3rd May – 14th May for sign up. Ladies will then be entered into a draw and informed via email:
- Who their opponent is
- Date for matches to be played by
Ladies can then organise and book their own matches.
In each round the player whose name appears first on the draw sheet should:
- Contact the player she has been drawn against
- Offer a minimum of 3 dates to her opponent
- 5 day members must offer 1 weekend date, 7-day members must offer 1 week day date
The date is fixed when agreed by both players, if either player then cannot play on this agreed date, the player who cannot play must forfeit the match unless BOTH players agree to rearrange the date within the deadline for that round.
May England Golf Qualifier
Thursday 6th May; Single Strokeplay Maximum Score 5 over Par.
Jubilee Jug Thursday 20th May 2021
This is the first of our charity raising competitions for ‘Many a Day’
The Theme will be ‘Rainbows’ which links in with our hospital charities for this year
- Format – Pairs 4BBB
- Tea and cake served in the conservatory on a rolling basis
Prizes for:
- Nearest the Pin
- Longest Drive
- Best dressed rainbow pair
- Best dressed rainbow trolley
Price £12 per person
- Includes all of the above and a contribution towards ‘The Magic of play” and ‘The Lister Butterfly Service”
- If you would like to participate please sign up on IG
- Sign up opens at 8am on Thursday 6th May (2 weeks prior to event)
Please make your payment to:
Chesfield Downs Ladies Section Account (CDLS)
Account number; 81769642 Sort code; 40-28-14
Should be a very colourful day. Lets light up the course!
General Information
Please note there will not be a captains shuffle for the foreseeable future!! Block bookings are back every Tuesday. Simply sign up on IG seven days prior to competition. Sign up opens at 8am
General Scores
If you wish to put in a General Score please follow these instructions on the IG App:

- Select Handicap Record
- Tap the handicap record box
- Tap the box in the top right hand corner (it is supposed to represent a scorecard)
- Select ‘Register’
- Select course, tee and scoring type
- Begin scoring
Enjoy your golfing week!
Kind regards
Pauline Humphrey
Lady Captain 2021