Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 20 June 2021

Rain, rain and more rain! Lets hope this week brings back the sunshine and stays with us particularly for next weekend as 30 of us travel to Staverton Park for our ‘Away Weekend. Nikki and Nicola have an abundance of fun planned along with some golf, personally I can’t wait. Tuesday Club on 29th June will go ahead as planned for those of you who wish to play ‘5 clubs and a putter’ further details on IG.

Charity Day 15th July

This years charity day will be a little different from those we have been used to in the past. There was a suggestion to postpone it to another date when restrictions might be lifted, with this in mind the ladies committee met to reassess. It was decided, unanimously, to go ahead with 15th July as so many plans had already been put in place. Therefore, we ask for your cooperation in helping us to make the day a success, whilst assisting us to keep the running as smooth as possible under the present circumstances. There will still be our two course meal, but it will be on a rolling basis, we would appreciate when you have finished dining to move swiftly into the bar area where coffee and mints will be served. Unfortunately, no presentation of prizes will be possible but winners will be congratulated personally and asked to collect their prize from the presentation table. We still aim to have all our stalls in the bar area prior to the competition, so bring along all your unspent cash and we will help you to give it to a good cause whilst having fun. Information will be on the notice board this week allocating our volunteers their tasks. Bottles and ‘bric a brac’ items for raffles will be gratefully accepted.

Past Captains’ Day

Congratulations go to Amelia F who came in with an amazing 40 points today and also won the longest drive! Well done Amelia.


  • England Golf Women’s Medal Regional Final: Jackie R will represent Chesfield Downs on Wednesday at Ely City Golf Club, Cambridgeshire, in the regional final. Good luck Jackie.
  • Away Day: There is a poster in the ladies locker room for the ‘Away Day’ on Thursday 5th August at Wyboston Lakes. This is when we compete for the ‘Kelland Pairs Trophy’. If you wish to attend please add your name and menu choice to the form. Payment of £42.00 can be made into: CDLS 40-28-14 81769642 referenced ‘Away Day’ (if you are unable to pay via online banking, cheque/cash may be put in an envelope referenced: ‘Away Day’ ‘Name’ ‘Amount’. Please place in the black box in the ladies locker room, thank you.
  • This weeks competitions are all available to view on IG.

General Information

  • First Aid: Unfortunately, this course has been postponed. Kathy C is currently in discussions with the paramedics to secure a new date in the not too distant future. We will let you know asap when that is confirmed.
  • We have a new version of the Ig App: 2.3.5 it does not appear to be ‘live’ at the app store as yet, and should automatically update itself to most devices, the situation is being carefully monitored by IG.
  • Scratch Match: Unfortunately, due to the rain on Friday 18th June the scratch match; Chesfield Downs v Porters Park at home had to be postponed and will be rescheduled at a later date.

See you on the course!

Kind regards
Pauline Humphrey
Lady Captain 2021