Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 20 May 2019

This week’s newsletter is slightly different as I am going to cover the reminders FIRST and then let you know how the results have gone this week as we go on! Over the next 10 days or so, we will be competing for the Australian Spoons, the Ping Pairs and the Coronation Foursomes. If you haven’t put your name down yet, or are unsure about joining in, particularly whether you are eligible to play, please talk to Lin or email her. She will be able to find you a tee time, if at all possible. The format for the Australian Spoons can be found on the Tuesday noticeboard but if you are unclear please do ask Kathy M.

On Sunday 2nd June, many of us will be heading to the Essex/Suffolk borders for a few days of golf. Fingers crossed for some fine weather and perhaps slightly less water than last year! If in doubt, pack some extra sleeves of balls, just in case!! Its going to be a great few days and Nikki and Nicola have worked really hard to make everything go to plan. Don’t forget to bring along a photo of yourself as a toddler or young child though please. NB.,There will still be a sign-up sheet for the Tuesday 4th June, if you are not away with us.

Thursday 13th June sees our annual Charity Day, this year raising money for MIND in Mid Herts and Tilehouse Counselling, so please do come along and bring a friend or two!! The sign-up sheets for playing, lunching, contributions to the lovely food on offer in the Halfway House and the Sponsor a Hole are all in the locker room. There will be a bottle tombola, a star prize table, as well as Amanda’s special hampers to be won. Have you bought something golf-wise that still has the label on, perhaps it is still in the bottom of your wardrobe from last year! Are you are happy to pass it on to a new owner following a contribution to the charity? We will try to find a new home for it for you and see your contribution help the funds for our great charities. If you have anything that might contribute to these, please do let me know or leave it in the box provided.

There will also be an auction of four-ball vouchers from golf clubs such as Redbourne, Veralum, West Herts, Heydon Grange and Bourne, so do get together with friends to consider how much you might bid for one or more of these. If you are not going to be there on the day, you can still take part by emailing me your bid and the course you are bidding for, you may well be the top bidder!!! As always, there will be an ‘Over the Pond’ challenge of £1.00 so please do bring some change with you.

Now on to the past week’s news and what a week it has been for many of you!! A huge well done to the Scratch Team, who, as I suggested, did complete the double over Ashridge on Friday! A really brilliant achievement ladies and well done to you all!

On the previous day Sarah had competed in the England Golf Medal Eastern Regional Final, coming a very impressive 8th out of a field of 80 competitors!! She is currently keeping her fingers crossed for a place in the National Grand Final at Woodhall Spa in August. Lauren very ably caddied for her and has been booked again for that date! Will keep you informed!

Playing on Saturday in the Weekend May Stableford/Spring Salver and still very much on a high from the Ashridge win, Olive C came in with an amazing 42 pts and a well deserved handicap cut, slightly ahead of Nikki B on 39 pts and Linda B on 38 pts. Great results for them all – well done ladies! Thursday had seen the May Stableford Division 1 go to Anne L (38 pts) and in second place Sally W (37 pts). In Division 2 and taking top position was Karen M (37 pts) and Maggie T (36 pts). Some great scoring all round – well done ladies!

Finally a note from the Head Greenkeeper to say the Ladies 9th tee is now open also the greenside bunker on the 14th is now open with just some of the perimeter being GUR – all clearly marked!

A great few days of golf for many ladies, keep it up and lets see those handicaps tumble!

Enjoy the fine weather!