Chesfield Downs Ladies Section

Captain's Newsletter - 20 September 2020

Well another great golfing week in the sun.

Pearson Winter Matchplay
If you have a handicap between 14 & 34 with Matchplay experience come and join the Pearson squad. First match is on 9th November away to Mill Green. A team of 7 Ladies will be picked from the squad to represent Chesfielddown. Contact Linda Brown if you think you may be eligible and wish to be in the squad.

Charity Fun Day Amount Raised

You are a wonderfully generous group of Ladies, on the day we raised £960 Donations are still coming in. I wish to thank each and everyone of you who has donated to my Charity, Crossroads Care, in these very uncertain times.

MacKnight Pairs

The pair of Ladies with the highest score on the day was Paula Moore and Margret Gentle with 46 Stableford points but unfortunately Paula has not done the relevant amount of qualifiers to win any Cups or Trophies very well done Ladies. The winners of the Trophy are Helen Leigh and Katy Cook with 45 Stableford points on countback from Vicky Thompson and Lynn Thayer also Ann Grist and Karen Morton, greats scores everyone.

Chris Leary Chalice

The person with the highest score was again Paula Moore with 40 Stableford points but again unfortunately is not eligible to win the Trophy so sorry Paula. The winner of the Trophy on 39 Stableford points was Julie Retallick and runner up Sally Weekes with 38 Stableford points on countback from three others on 38. Well done everyone some good scores this week.

Happy Golfing
Ladies Captain